Notes: The moderator ran infront of my barrel even though he saw it, same with the other dog guy. If the guy in the grey clothing wouldn't have gone into first person he wouldnt have walked infront of my barrel. Also he still saw me not standing at the correct spot (standing at the wall) but he still ran infront of my barrel. In roleplay i was standing at the wrong spot but they still ran infront of my barrel while I was shooting.
Appealing Roblox Username: uhuko1234
Appealing Discord ID: 934851575510351902
Ban Length: 2 days
Moderating Staff Member: InternalHypothesis
What game did the ban take place in?: LA.
Notes: The moderator ran infront of my barrel even though he saw it, same with the other dog guy. If the guy in the grey clothing wouldn't have gone into first person he wouldnt have walked infront of my barrel. Also he still saw me not standing at the correct spot (standing at the wall) but he still ran infront of my barrel. In roleplay i was standing at the wrong spot but they still ran infront of my barrel while I was shooting.
Edited by uhuko1234
Put moderator even though it was the reporter