Posted January 26Jan 26 when i try to book someone in LA, it wont allow me to book someone, and how do you even get a case number ID for a suspect?
January 26Jan 26 Solution 21 minutes ago, treytren6 said:when i try to book someone in LA, it wont allow me to book someone, and how do you even get a case number ID for a suspect?You can get the case number by entering the CAD and looking up the person, Look in their arrest history and it should say a incomplete arrest with a Case ID or number and you just copy the whole thing and paste it when you’re trying to book them in. Make sure you know their RP name and your RP name for it to work properly.
7 hours ago7 hr Mountain Interactive Team Answer above is correct CEO & Managing Director at Mountain Interactive
when i try to book someone in LA, it wont allow me to book someone, and how do you even get a case number ID for a suspect?