Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 1311113093530517507
Ban Length: 1/21/2025, 5:11:32PM Permanently
Moderating Staff Member: thatsbh.2#0
What game did the ban take place in?: Los angeles.
Why should you be unbanned?: Because he clearly broke the one meter rule, and that is considered frp, At that time the server was restarted or got restarted, According to the time the video was uploaded and the new update was came out, haydz or someone else restarted it, I'd get banned anyways if it were to get restarted, and I shot him because he clearly did not listen to me and acted clueless, so he broke the one meter rule and I think he should get banned because he did the offense first.
Watch the video, He clearly broke the one meter rule, jumping clearly doesn't count because it is still a one meter rule he should do.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer: Me and his supervisor (the black one in the clip when it started)
Appealing Roblox Username: Noodles_F6SR
Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 1311113093530517507
Ban Length: 1/21/2025, 5:11:32PM Permanently
Moderating Staff Member: thatsbh.2#0
What game did the ban take place in?: Los angeles.
Why should you be unbanned?: Because he clearly broke the one meter rule, and that is considered frp, At that time the server was restarted or got restarted, According to the time the video was uploaded and the new update was came out, haydz or someone else restarted it, I'd get banned anyways if it were to get restarted, and I shot him because he clearly did not listen to me and acted clueless, so he broke the one meter rule and I think he should get banned because he did the offense first.
Watch the video, He clearly broke the one meter rule, jumping clearly doesn't count because it is still a one meter rule he should do.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer: Me and his supervisor (the black one in the clip when it started)