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My Ban Appeal

Appealing Discord ID : 1016496140092452994

Ban Length: Unknown
Moderating Staff Member: Unknown

Ban Reason: I was banned due to being in a leaking server.
Why I Should Be Unbanned: I understand if I am not unbanned due to the reason behind it. However I have changed from that time and have moved onto developing myself and have realized how wrong it was to even be in a server that was willing to leak people work, it take a lot of great time to create amazing things like those. I am no longer associated with any leaker server that I know of, however I may still be in one just not knowing due to me being maxed out on servers and not going through each and every one of them. Thank you for taking your time to read my appeal.

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Unknown

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Featured Replies

Before proceeding with this ban, I request you to leave all servers related to that leaking server.


Website Staff Lead & Council

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  • Author

I believe I have left all leaking servers a while back, if I am still in one I am unsure what that server is.

  • Mountain Interactive CS Team


Your appeal has been accepted, please insure that you have left the server as you will end up re-banned should you be in the server still.

Mountain Interactive Corporate
Customer Support Lead

📧 [email protected]

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