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Roblox Username: NNOZDE
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 956639008740487289


Staff Username: tampabay456

Discord Username or ID: 1245996170162208789

Description Of the Incident: Somebody was reporting me for RDM (look below) and you can clearly see the guy was trying to shoot me (black hat) after he shot my friend beside me, I was killing a guy who shot at me and this guy who you can see in the clip was shooting at me was reporting me for RDM like wtf? (—> https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jxU6l6zjPSnH-HBeD?invite=cr-MSxxTkUsNTk5NzgxMTUs)

Committed Offenses: False Ban

Time of Occurrence: 2:20 AM EST
Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A

(Attach a video/picture in this message) (—> https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jxU6l6zjPSnH-HBeD?invite=cr-MSxxTkUsNTk5NzgxMTUs)

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Roblox Username: NNOZDE
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 956639008740487289


Staff Username: tampabay456

Discord Username or ID: 1245996170162208789

Description Of the Incident:

Guy was reporting me for RDM (https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jxU6l6zjPSnH-HBeD?invite=cr-MSxxTkUsNTk5NzgxMTUs)

You can clearly see the guy was trying to shoot me after he just witnessed me killing a cop which my reason for killing the cop is in the streamable link,

I was trying to revive my friend after a shootout just happened which my friend was in the crossfire of, (I was not involved and neither was I)

And after I started driving away a cop just started shooting at my car for no reason and if you look at the medal clip below


And after I show tampabay456 the admin name’d “Frank” this proof he says “Frank — Today at 2:20 AM The thing is bro me and a couple others reviewed it —- Frank — Today at 2:20 AM I stated your points and they thought otherwiese

False bans on this game are becoming a real big problem and after all of this evidence was shown it should of been clear that there was no RDM involved at all here but he decided to ban me anyways.

Committed Offenses: False Ban

Time of Occurrence: 2:20 AM EST
Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A

(Attach a video/picture in this message) (—> https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jxU6l6zjPSnH-HBeD?invite=cr-MSxxTkUsNTk5NzgxMTUs)

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