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Ban length : Perm
Moderation staff : rjfrg
Ban Reason : NSFW
why should i be unbanned : I should be unbanned beacuse i have learned from my mistake what i have done. I should of readed the rules more. I understaned that I and anyone else should not post that beacuse its against the rules and plus there is kids. If i didn’t get unbanned i wouldn't be able to chat with other people and make people laugh.

Additional Members Involed/Witnessing : N/A

Edited by Meatmann1998

Featured Replies

Report Status: REJECTED

Dear @Meatmann1998 ,

Thank you for your appeal regarding your recent ban from Mountain Interactive. After careful review, we regret to inform you that your appeal has been rejected. The reason for this decision is as follows:

Reason: Ban deemed valid; actions are also against Terms of Service.

We encourage you to reflect on our community guidelines to ensure a positive experience in the future. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out.

Best regards,
The Volunteer Moderation Team

This Mountain Interactive Account is currently banned. Ban Length: Permanently
Ban Reason: Severe Misconduct – Sending Gore/NSFW Content to Another Mountain Interactive Member.

Your account has been permanently banned due to a serious violation of our community guidelines. This decision is final, and no appeal process is available. Any attempt to bypass this ban may result in further action.

  • Seraph locked this topic

Also failed to list discord username of yourself.

This Mountain Interactive Account is currently banned. Ban Length: Permanently
Ban Reason: Severe Misconduct – Sending Gore/NSFW Content to Another Mountain Interactive Member.Your account has been permanently banned due to a serious violation of our community guidelines. This decision is final, and no appeal process is available. Any attempt to bypass this ban may result in further action.

This topic is now closed to further replies.