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Mountain Interactive Staff Application

Personal Information

  1. Name (optional): Jacob

  2. Age: 14

  3. Time-zone & Country: CST & United States

Contact Information

  1. Discord Username:

  2. Discord ID:

  3. Roblox Username: Jakeybakey11234

  4. Roblox ID: 1058014468

Staff References

  1. Do you have a staff reference from an Administrator or above?

  2. If yes, please provide the name of the staff member who referred you:



  1. Have you completed 4 weeks of trial moderation experience?

  2. Provide evidence of your trial moderation experience (links, screenshots, logs, etc.):

Moderation History

  1. Do you have any active warnings or bans within the past 6 months?

  2. Have you ever been permanently banned?

  3. If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain:

Additional Questions

  1. Why do you want to join the Mountain Interactive Staff Team?
    The reason why I would like to join the Mountain Interactive Staff Team is due to the pure amount of RDM and FRP. Instead of providing a temporary answer of calling moderator each time, I want to help the members of the staff team by providing myself to assist those in need. Following that, Mountain Interactive has also been my favorite game creation group, and it has been my goal to become a member of the Mountain Interactive staff team to help support those who need it. I wish to assist the game have a correct, and realistic roleplay without the constant FRP that it suffers from. I hope that someday I will be able to play the game and help those who call staff.

  2. What skills or qualities do you have that would make you a valuable member of the staff team?
    Skills that I have to help make myself a valuable and helpful team member is that I am able to stay calm in tense situations and know my way around conversations. From earlier and different servers that I have been a part of, I’ve made a name for myself by calming down situations instead of heading straight toward endings. I am able to respect members and use correct grammar to calm down situations where the member may be stressed or inappropriate. I also bring a sense of justice to most communities ive been in. I’ve been known to not abuse nor actively use out of need the commands or power I have.

  3. Have you been involved in any other communities or teams? If so, please list them and describe your role:
    I’ve been involved in many communities inside the game ERLC. I have been a Cofounder for a server with over 1000 active members. I have been known to provide help to those who need it. I have also been an internal affairs agent for a server with over 4000 active members and was known to support people who need help with unrealistic or abusive members. I

  4. How would you handle a conflict between two community members?
    To handle a community member conflict, I would first study the conflict closely, making sure that I don’t handle the situation out of context and make sure that I know if it’s one sided, two sided, or more. Once I understand the issue, how many sides to the argument there are, and studied exactly what it’s about, I would first converse to them and tell them to quit yelling at each other. Once the scene has been handled respectfully, I will begin conversing with each one privately. Getting each side to the story before I make a judgement. I will fact check the information with what I studied and what they told me. Once I understand what both of them feel, I will attempt to calm the situation down by telling them about a solution on how to handle this respectfully. If they continue to disturb roleplay or the VC by arguing. I may strike them both.

  5. Describe a time you had to solve a difficult problem in a leadership or team role:
    One time I had to deal with an abusive CEO/Director. The Director was going on a fit after we told him he can’t do something that he wanted too. He then used his power to mute us, unranked us, and fire us. Instead of attempting to get our roles back, I informed the members of the discord on how he truly was and then left the server. That way I won’t contribute to the abusive behaviors of the CEO.

  6. How do you prioritize tasks when managing multiple responsibilities?
    To begin with, I would rank them from most important to least important. The least important items I may try to hold off on until the important items are done. After everything is done, I will complete the less important responsibilities.

  7. What do you think is the most important value for a Mountain Interactive Staff member to uphold, and why?
    The most important trait for a Mountain Interactive Staff to uphold is respect. A disrespectful staff member may lead to problems with Supervision, Moderation, and Conversations. A disrespectful staff member may not be appropriate when dealing with something they do not want to deal with, such as for instance if they are handed the task of writing a document, and they do not want to, they may not be professional by either not doing it at all or just throwing a fit.

  1. How would you support and encourage new members of the community?
    To begin, I will make sure they understand how the server works and introduce them to everything. Including departments, how to join RPD, RCSO, and other WL items. Next, I will play with them if possible. Insuring they get the full experience of Perris and are able to learn everything they need to play the game to the best of its ability. I will make sure they know how to buy a gun, spawn cars, call staff, and join different teams. Once I finished with that, I will give them my Discord and tell them to contact me if they have any trouble.

  2. What are your long-term goals, and how does being part of Mountain Interactive align with them?
    My long-term goal for Mountain Interactive is to reach a high status by all of the Mountain Interactive members. I hope that they can come to me if they have issues, referring me to be kind and smart in high tense situations. I hope that the staff will be able to respect me just as much as I will respect them.

  3. Are there any areas within the community you feel need improvement? If so, what ideas do you have to address them?
    The FRP, RDM, and enforcement of Cheating need some work. To improve this, make sure that you have active staff in each server. Thats all.


By submitting this application, I confirm that:

  • All information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

  • I understand that any false information may result in immediate disqualification or removal from the staff team.

Signature (type your name here): Jacob
Date: 1/17/25

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