Roblox Username: Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127):
Staff Username: Lukasthebomb1
Discord Username or ID: _lmaxwell_ 474244120680988692
Description Of the Incident: Mr Lukas likes to play dress up, on the day of this incident he decided to dress up as a Postal officer and patrol around Los angeles, may i remind you that there is no mail system or team for the postal office, he abused the USMS team to gain access to gear and to try to roleplay as a postal officer, there would be a incident at domino’s where Mr.Lukas decided he wanted to put his opinion in, saying i shot a innocent man and failed to render aid, when in reality i rendered aid to the innocent civilian first and went to then help the suspect, he also said to civilians and the suspect that he would not assist if they started to attack me and to attack me not him.
As a joke i said “mail cop you are relieved of your dutys” but he took this personally, saying that “i should relieve you of your dutys you shot a man without following the force guidelines and failed to provide aid” which i pointed out that the fists were more deadly and did more damage than the knife, he escalated the situation and said that i was a “snowflake” and “couldnt handle a punch” which i then tripped him over, said he slipped and went to book my suspect.
Mr.Lukas decided it was appropriate to open fire on me and said that im under arrest, which is AOT and TK, he would go on to attempt to arrest me but would be shot in cross fire of someone shooting, he would then open his admin console to heal himself to precent him from dying, hence giving us the admin abuse
im still thinking we were joking around so i would cuff him while he was trying to arrest me, this would make him angry and he would moderate me for FRP and TA
Committed Offenses: AOT, TK, Admin Abuse
Time of Occurrence: 14/1/25 around 4:59PM EST Additional members involved/witnessing:
(Attach a video/picture in this message)
0:25 “mall cop you are relieved of of your dutys”
0:53 tripping him over
1:02 TK + AOT
1:54 Admin abuse (:heal me) (he has cropped his clip at this time, a screenshot was taken before he had cropped his screen)
Roblox Username:
Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127):
Staff Username: Lukasthebomb1
Discord Username or ID: _lmaxwell_ 474244120680988692
Description Of the Incident: Mr Lukas likes to play dress up, on the day of this incident he decided to dress up as a Postal officer and patrol around Los angeles, may i remind you that there is no mail system or team for the postal office, he abused the USMS team to gain access to gear and to try to roleplay as a postal officer, there would be a incident at domino’s where Mr.Lukas decided he wanted to put his opinion in, saying i shot a innocent man and failed to render aid, when in reality i rendered aid to the innocent civilian first and went to then help the suspect, he also said to civilians and the suspect that he would not assist if they started to attack me and to attack me not him.
As a joke i said “mail cop you are relieved of your dutys” but he took this personally, saying that “i should relieve you of your dutys you shot a man without following the force guidelines and failed to provide aid” which i pointed out that the fists were more deadly and did more damage than the knife, he escalated the situation and said that i was a “snowflake” and “couldnt handle a punch” which i then tripped him over, said he slipped and went to book my suspect.
Mr.Lukas decided it was appropriate to open fire on me and said that im under arrest, which is AOT and TK, he would go on to attempt to arrest me but would be shot in cross fire of someone shooting, he would then open his admin console to heal himself to precent him from dying, hence giving us the admin abuse
im still thinking we were joking around so i would cuff him while he was trying to arrest me, this would make him angry and he would moderate me for FRP and TA
Committed Offenses: AOT, TK, Admin Abuse
Time of Occurrence: 14/1/25 around 4:59PM EST
Additional members involved/witnessing:
(Attach a video/picture in this message)
0:25 “mall cop you are relieved of of your dutys”
0:53 tripping him over
1:02 TK + AOT
1:54 Admin abuse (:heal me) (he has cropped his clip at this time, a screenshot was taken before he had cropped his screen)