Moderating Staff Member: landongoat What game did the ban take place in?: Perris
Ban Reason: Why I Should Be Unbanned: I was under the influence of alcoholic beverages because my cousin turned 18 and I got drunk, I turned on the PC and wanted to play the Perris game, I joined the F.B.I team and saw a colleague who was having problems with a handcuffed person
I, not seeing very clearly, had the impression that the handcuffed man pulled out the gun at my colleague, so without thinking, I pulled out the gun and killed both the handcuffed man and my colleague by mistake my intention was to help my colleague and save his life, not to kill him
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: FaniRaphaell2000(the handcuffed person)
My Ban Appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: razvanansrei007
Appealing Discord ID: 1247562136654188605
Ban Length: Permanent
Moderating Staff Member: landongoat
What game did the ban take place in?: Perris
Ban Reason:
Why I Should Be Unbanned: I was under the influence of alcoholic beverages because my cousin turned 18 and I got drunk, I turned on the PC and wanted to play the Perris game, I joined the F.B.I team and saw a colleague who was having problems with a handcuffed person
I, not seeing very clearly, had the impression that the handcuffed man pulled out the gun at my colleague, so without thinking, I pulled out the gun and killed both the handcuffed man and my colleague by mistake my intention was to help my colleague and save his life, not to kill him
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: FaniRaphaell2000(the handcuffed person)