Ban Length: 2 Day / 00Hours/ 00 Seconds or Permanent Moderating Staff Member: Answer. fedrunsyou#0 What game did the ban take place in?: LA
Ban Reason: DRDM Why I Should Be Unbanned: I should be Unbanned because me and my friends love to play Perris and LA and it’s not fun when I get to see them play but I can’t the reason I got banned is because I did a drive by shooting in LA but everyone in LA does drive bys and we did it on a guy that killed my friend and he did not die after he killed my friend so NLR was not in effect so it was okay for us to do a drive by and people should know it’s LA gang stuff is goanna happen so I don’t get when I do something like that I get banned but when someone else does it they don’t get banned it doesn’t make sense to me but I really want to be unbanned cause its my favorite game and I don’t play anything else but this so please give me a chance
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: vrtcrpse glockboypt
Appealing Roblox amazing_XVI
Appealing Discord ID: 967810264344952852
Ban Length: 2 Day / 00Hours/ 00 Seconds or Permanent
Moderating Staff Member: Answer. fedrunsyou#0
What game did the ban take place in?: LA
Ban Reason: DRDM
Why I Should Be Unbanned: I should be Unbanned because me and my friends love to play Perris and LA and it’s not fun when I get to see them play but I can’t the reason I got banned is because I did a drive by shooting in LA but everyone in LA does drive bys and we did it on a guy that killed my friend and he did not die after he killed my friend so NLR was not in effect so it was okay for us to do a drive by and people should know it’s LA gang stuff is goanna happen so I don’t get when I do something like that I get banned but when someone else does it they don’t get banned it doesn’t make sense to me but I really want to be unbanned cause its my favorite game and I don’t play anything else but this so please give me a chance
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: vrtcrpse glockboypt