Posted Yesterday at 12:00 AM1 day My Ban AppealAppealing Roblox Username: Answer. Pumpkinyat1Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 1010898094562476088Ban Length: Perm V-OSP, RDM Moderating Staff Member: Answer. imanikasWhat game did the ban take place in?: LA Ban Reason: Why I Should Be Unbanned: The clip provided is a plain clip of our PMC members shooting that police unmarked car. There was backstory to this, them beating us arresting us, etc. Very know for LASD.They arrested us lots of times for unreasonable amounts of time as a result we targeted that LASD car for one specific person named CrownRickAuto as he was in the car. We are a known car that’s been targeted by LASD sub-division named operation safe street. We have clips of them arresting us for unreasonable times. So we targeted that car which that user has many hits from other gang servers. That clip there’s no kill logs he didn’t die even though there’s no proof of us RDMing anyone. There’s no usernames. No users using the track command. The bullet I shot there’s no kill logs. And the doors bullet proof. Confirmed by a staff member. The cars have ballistic panels. Just proof of something happening, No users, no kill-logs. There was previous roleplay in it. They did reach for a weapon the second before we cut them off. And shows them getting shot by someone else, not me.Ban ID: 62875 | Uploading Attachment...Report against it read please: Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.)
Yesterday at 04:01 AM1 day Author my gun doesnt shoot threw the door but someone else shot threw the glass
7 hours ago7 hr @pumpkinyat Appeal denied.You can appeal again in 2 months. Rodrigo. (v_nebr)Website Staff Lead & CouncilVolunteer Senior AdministratorSpanish & English Speaker