Posted January 6Jan 6 Roblox Username: Pumpkinyat1Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 1010898094562476088REPORTING CONTENTS:Staff Username: imanikas Discord Username or ID: 1005252361905766444Description Of the Incident:This staff member imanikas has been purposely targeting our PMC over an incident that happened with the both PMC(s) resulting in him Staff abusing, Staff misconduct, Mod abusing, Abuse of commands, Emotional Moderating, Mass banning. On 1/1/2025, Us a group of PMC members started to protest in the streets nowhere near LAPD /LEO, we played boomboxes. {The boomboxes were not bypassed nor breaking the rules.} Just running in the street to show our dominance. A semi peaceful environment. Then when the protest grew larger with other individuals joined. [LA TAKEOVER] We roamed around the map. {Not at LAPD yet} [Chinese Buffet, Dominos, ETC.] We soon found contact with LEO enforcements, and when Police officers arrived on scene we began protesting. An officer reached for his firearm and aimed it at all of the protesters. Soon a PMC [Whitelisted] member orders to fire back upon the officer. [Before we returned fire the officer started to shoot at us] We then murdered the Police Officer. After the officer was confirmed dead then more additional(s) units came to open fire back.After all the remaining units were fired upon. We ran away from the scene to the location of the Casino where we huddled up and explained the plan [Not to raid LAPD to protest] We grouped up and took a picture. {All happened before the LAPD raid.] We grouped back up and ran back to the main street intersection near dominos. We then protested. More LAPD/ LEO enforcements came. We scrambled to the courthouse to play boomboxes when LAPD/ LEO raided it where we ran over near the LAPD station lobby. Where we protested with boomboxes where random people joined the scene and started to shoot firearms in the air. [LA TAKEOVERS SHOT INSIDE THE LAPD STATION] [Things escalated.] After that a PMC member of LA TAKEOVERS told the higher up of that PMC that we forced them to join in on the raid. Which caused lapd to fire back at everyone. False proof Download link he grabbed from my membersToday semi mass ban: 9:54 pm est 1/5/2025 link from the ban - Car doorbulletproof no proof of my user No proof of kill logs I shot the door not him. There was a previous roleplay about them killing my friend and arresting us. Emotionally moderates us because the pmc lapd raid thing proof:Unprofessional announcementHe means “ltap” anyone that was in the server involved or not involved was getting banned even tho they weren't jailed nor most of them were not involved hes being bias to there PMC and going harsh on our PMCAbuses his power [means he wants us arrested instead of getting banned 60 minutes is abusing the arrest systemhis promise to not ban us chat logs Him going on a ban spree getting proof from our discord server 3d party organization Clip was posted in LA GUN CLUB.Committed Offenses:Staff abusing, Staff misconduct, Mod abusing, Abuse of commands, Emotional Moderating,Time of Occurrence:LAPD IN/ 1/1/2025 - Today incident 1/5/2025Additional members involved/witnessing:Supermathias, All members banned from the raid.
January 6Jan 6 STAFF REPORT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTDear ,@pumpkinyatThank you for sending us your Staff Report. Here at Mountain Interactive, we really value your opinion and want to make sure everyone has a great experience in our community. We have successfully received your Staff report, and we will take care of it as carefully as possible. Please know that we take this seriously and will do our best to handle it fairly.If you have any questions, extra details to point out, or want an update on your open case, feel free to reach out to me anytime. We’re here to help and support you!Have a great day/night ahead,PokiwestonSenior InvestigatorVolunteer Mountain Interactive Staff Team Logan T. ( Pokiweston ) Volunteer Senior ModeratorVolunteer Mountain Interactive Internal AffairsSenior Investigator