Posted January 2Jan 2 officers: bomo1579 and RomeLegionmakerFilm bez tytułu ‐ Wykonano za pomocą Clipchamp.mp4 Edited January 2Jan 2 by ADXD23450
January 2Jan 2 Report Status: ACCEPTEDDear @ADXD23450 ,Thank you for for submitting a player report to Mountain Interactive Moderation. After careful review, we are happy to inform you that your report has been accepted and will be addressed appropriately.We encourage you to reporting any violations you see to ensure a positive game experience. Additionally, you can call for help in game using the !help command. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out.Best regards,The Volunteer Moderation Team Sincerely,TarzanxLoveWebsite ModeratorVolunteer Community Senior Moderator
officers: bomo1579 and RomeLegionmaker
Edited by ADXD23450