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Appealing Discord ID: 873608008972783667

Ban Length: Permanent

Moderating Staff Member: Unknown

Ban Reason: In a blacklisted server

Why I Should Be Unbanned: I had no knowledge of this server being banned as I don't follow discord as much. I also cannot use my paid subscription without being in the discord.

Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A

Featured Replies

  • Mountain Interactive CS Team
Dear @officalsoapI,

I just reviewed the reason why you were banned from our Discord Community. The reason was because you’re a part of a blacklisted community named “Summit Productions”.

In order for the ban to be revoked, I need you to leave the blacklisted server and then email me at [email protected] a picture of you not being a part of that blacklisted community anymore.



MI Corporate Team

Sam Phillips

You were banned for being in Summit Productions after receiving a prior warning. The ban was automatically issued by the bot as a result. I can assist in getting that ban removed for you. but you need to leave all summit related groups and reply to this whenever you have done so

Austin B. [vixiusz]

Mountain Interactive Corporate Team

Customer Support Team

We will need the evidence confirming that you are no longer in any of the discord servers, as we cannot rely on verbal confirmation.

Austin B. [vixiusz]

Mountain Interactive Corporate Team

Customer Support Team

  • 2 weeks later...

This topic will be closed if you don’t respond within 24 hours.

Austin B. [vixiusz]

Mountain Interactive Corporate Team

Customer Support Team

  • rodri locked this topic
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