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Personal Information

  1. Name: Luca

  2. Age: 15

  3. Time-zone & Country: GMT+1, Switzerland

Contact Information

  1. Discord Username: luca.4601

  2. Discord ID: 702777078856286269

  3. Roblox Username: 10nlyLuca

  4. Roblox ID: 1094410509

Staff References

  1. Do you have a staff reference from an Administrator or above?

  2. If yes, please provide the name of the staff member who referred you:


  1. Have you completed 4 weeks of trial moderation experience?

  2. Provide evidence of your trial moderation experience (links, screenshots, logs, etc.):

Moderation History

  1. Do you have any active warnings or bans within the past 6 months?

  2. Have you ever been permanently banned?

  3. If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain:

Additional Questions

  1. Why do you want to join the Mountain Interactive Staff Team?
    I am writing this application because I have noticed that there are no staff members at certain times. I would like to try to change this. I would like to create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in Perris by using my skills. I also want to continue the passion of helping others and being there for the community and everyone. I help the community by supporting them and answering their questions. Besides supporting the community, it is of course extremely important that I support the staff team in all kinds of things and tasks.  It is very important to me that everyone can have a good time in Perris and that this is not disturbed by insulting or trolling people. Fitting into the role of moderator will be easy for me as I have already been on several staff teams which I really enjoyed. For this reason, I have the advantage of being quite familiar with commands and how to resolve disputes. 

  2. What skills or qualities do you have that would make you a valuable member of the staff team?

    I already have a long history in moderation and administration. I have been involved in many projects. Be it in Roblox RP games like ERLC or self-made RP games that no longer exist. Besides Roblox, I have also gained good experience on FiveM. Personally, I am a very social, open and communicative person. I enjoy being around people and working in a team. But I can also work well on my own if necessary. I can assert myself very well and have good self-confidence.

  3. Have you been involved in any other communities or teams? If so, please list them and describe your role:
    As mentioned above, I was part of several role-playing projects. Since I am Swiss, these are German but partly also English servers.


    Bayern RP = Head Administrator (ERLC)

    Read Staff-Applications, Mange the Admins and In-Game plus Ticket Support.


    New State RP = Co-Owner (ERLC)

    Host events, Givig Pro- or Demotions and manage the Staff Team.


    Los Angeles RP = Head Moderator (ERLC)

    Managing the moderators, handling team complaints and also in-game and ticket support.


    Berlin V1 = Senior Moderator (Self-Made game)

    Responsible for in-game moderation, ticket and voice support.



    Supremo City= Supporter

    Voice and ticket support only.


    Alpha City= Senior Administrator

    Unban requests and in-game moderation


    This was all over the Past 2 Years. In all of theese Servers, I started as an Normal Moderator / Supporter.

  4. How would you handle a conflict between two community members?
    I would first separate them from each other and calm everyone down. When everyone is calm, I ask what the problem is and if its the case, what rules where broken. Then I listen to both sides and ask if there is a clip of the whole situation. If this is not the case, I negotiate a compromise with both sides, or tell them both to Void their role play and simply play on so that both players can be happy again.

  5. Describe a time you had to solve a difficult problem in a leadership or team role:
    Once I had a argument between two team leaders who had argued about an application. The first thing I did was to calm them down and separate them from each other. Then I listened to what they had to say and asked them what they were arguing about. When I had heard both sides, I took a look at the application itself and looked at what they had been arguing about. In the end it turned out that it was a misunderstanding between the two of them. I talked to both them about the misunderstanding and they apologized to each other and thanked me for helping them.

    How do you prioritize tasks when managing multiple responsibilities?
    I always decide according to the urgency and importance of the task. To keep an overview, I make notes of which tasks need to be done first and which can wait. However, I always make sure that I can complete all the tasks in the allotted time. But my motto is always: quality before quantity.

  6. What do you think is the most important value for a Mountain Interactive Staff member to uphold, and why?
    The biggest value of a Staff member is its responsibility and fairness. If there is no in-game staff, the game is full of trolls, exploiters, people who only do RDM and FRP. But responsibility in the staff team is also very important. If there was no one to supervise the staff team, the staff team would be full of corrupt people. It is very important that you as a staff member remain calm and above all fair in every situation, no matter who has broken a rule.

  7. How would you support and encourage new members of the community?
    I would take the time to answer new users' questions calmly and seriously. Even if they are simple questions. I would also be open to players and motivate them to play in Perris. I also think a little fun and humor is key to make new players feel welcome. I also show new players that it is fun to play on Perris. I woud moderate people, who are trying to make the start for new players way more dificult then it already is.

  8. What are your long-term goals, and how does being part of Mountain Interactive align with them?
    The first thing I want to do at Mountain interactive is to become a moderator. Once I've achieved this goal, I'll try to work my way up to administrator. I've long wondered how much American roleplaying servers differ from European ones in terms of moderation.

  9. Are there any areas within the community you feel need improvement? If so, what ideas do you have to address them?
    I personally think, that people in Perris a mostly in one Place which is S&K or BOA. So maybe add some outdoor activitys aorund the map so the players are spread all over the map.


By submitting this application, I confirm that:

  • All information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

  • I understand that any false information may result in immediate disqualification or removal from the staff team.

Signature: Luca
Date: 30/12/24

Edited by 10nlyLuca

Message added by TheRedactedness,

Application Accepted

Featured Replies

+1 Mainly generic answers but seems pretty decent to me.

9 hours ago, 10nlyLuca said:
  1. I personally think, that people in Perris a mostly in one Place which is S&K or BOA. So maybe add some outdoor activitys aorund the map so the players are spread all over the map.

Creative answer ^, just needs a grammar check.


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Volunteer Community Senior Moderator