Ban Length: 02 Days Moderating Staff Member: butterfringers#0 What game did the ban take place in?: 🌴Los Angeles, California
Ban Reason: Why I Should Be Unbanned: I will admit that yes, I did screw up. On the other hand, I’ve never gotten in trouble for RDM before and I have mostly a clean record. In-Game, I apologize to both the officer and the moderator for ruining their role-play and creating more issues with the server. I understand if my explanation doesn’t deserve for the band to be lifted, but I actually learn from my mistakes and you could trust me that this will never happen again. Thank You for your time.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: The Officer I shot at but I don’t have his user.
My Ban Appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: MrPSGAcademyusa
Appealing Discord ID: 1160348602556752022
Ban Length: 02 Days
Moderating Staff Member: butterfringers#0
What game did the ban take place in?: 🌴Los Angeles, California
Ban Reason:
Why I Should Be Unbanned: I will admit that yes, I did screw up. On the other hand, I’ve never gotten in trouble for RDM before and I have mostly a clean record. In-Game, I apologize to both the officer and the moderator for ruining their role-play and creating more issues with the server. I understand if my explanation doesn’t deserve for the band to be lifted, but I actually learn from my mistakes and you could trust me that this will never happen again. Thank You for your time.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: The Officer I shot at but I don’t have his user.