Roblox ID: 650876706 (Numerical ID from your Roblox profile link)
Staff References
Do you have a staff reference from an Administrator or above? (Yes/No) No.
If yes, please provide the name of the staff member who referred you:
Have you completed 4 weeks of trial moderation experience? (Yes/No) Yes, i was mod before for mi but had to leave as my pc was damaged in the stroms that hit georgia this year
Provide evidence of your trial moderation experience (links, screenshots, logs, etc.): i can provide evidence if needed
Moderation History
Do you have any active warnings or bans within the past 6 months? (Yes/No) I dont think i do
Have you ever been permanently banned? (Yes/No) No
If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain:
Approval Document
Have you received an approval document from a Trust & Safety instructor? (Yes/No) No.
If yes, upload the document in PDF format or provide a link to the file:
Additional Questions
Why do you want to join the Mountain Interactive Staff Team? I want ot make adiffernce with in how the game is played and how some of the players break the rules i ve seen more rule breaking sens i have bot beena staff member.
What skills or qualities do you have that would make you a valuable member of the staff team? What I can provide that some may not is my availability. I will be online, in-game, and on Discord as frequently as possible, allowing me to resolve issues quickly and always be there for community support.
Have you been involved in any other communities or teams? If so, please list them and describe your role: yes but all of those being with in mountin interactive.
How would you handle a conflict between two community members? i would try getting both stories from each player first and then would begin to ask if either player has they a clip at which if one or both does i would watch both of the videos and would look at the staff gudie and see if i could make a decision from that if not i would then conatct a superior.
Describe a time you had to solve a difficult problem in a leadership or team role: one of my sceond day as a staff memeber for mi i had to help handle with a report of a guy that rdm someone but the other staff memeber couldnt for sure say if that was rdm so i over looked the clip and it was indeed it was rdm at which i looked over the staff gudie and then looked at the players history and made the decsion of a warning.
How do you prioritize tasks when managing multiple responsibilities? When priortizing multipul task i would tey and respond to every task as fast as i can and would also be respectful as possible and try and make sure the player is happy not only with my service but also with my decsion.
What do you think is the most important value for a Mountain Interactive Staff member to uphold, and why? Being professional. With all of the donator perks, it can sometimes be hard to punish someone who’s funding mountian interactive community. Remaining professional towards donators and regular players is a must, ensuring the game stays fair and it isnt just all about the donators we must trat all emmeber with respect no matter what.
How would you support and encourage new members of the community? I would introduce myself to them and tell them that if they need to report a rule being broken to do so to keep the game from being brain rot and that there are many other staff that are weling to help them and that if they need to ask a question about somthing in game then do as a staff member we are here to help.
What are your long-term goals, and how does being part of Mountain Interactive align with them? My long term goal that i haveachived in life to to runa loader at which i have acommplished and have been doing it sensie i started 12th grade and i ahve made many thing happen in my life from doing so which does mean i work a lot more then some others.
Are there any areas within the community you feel need improvement? If so, what ideas do you have to address them? nothing comes to mind as of this time.
By submitting this application, I confirm that:
All information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that any false information may result in immediate disqualification or removal from the staff team.
Signature (type your name here): Tyler Date: 12/24/24
Personal Information
Name (optional): Tyler
Age: 18
Time-zone & Country: EST,Georgia
Contact Information
Discord Username: Mikeydead
(e.g., Username#1234)
Discord ID: 898302527311855658
(18-digit numerical ID)
Roblox Username: Tylerdunk101305
Roblox ID: 650876706
(Numerical ID from your Roblox profile link)
Staff References
Do you have a staff reference from an Administrator or above?
(Yes/No) No.
If yes, please provide the name of the staff member who referred you:
Have you completed 4 weeks of trial moderation experience?
(Yes/No) Yes, i was mod before for mi but had to leave as my pc was damaged in the stroms that hit georgia this year
Provide evidence of your trial moderation experience (links, screenshots, logs, etc.): i can provide evidence if needed
Moderation History
Do you have any active warnings or bans within the past 6 months?
(Yes/No) I dont think i do
Have you ever been permanently banned?
(Yes/No) No
If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain:
Approval Document
Have you received an approval document from a Trust & Safety instructor?
(Yes/No) No.
If yes, upload the document in PDF format or provide a link to the file:
Additional Questions
Why do you want to join the Mountain Interactive Staff Team?
I want ot make adiffernce with in how the game is played and how some of the players break the rules i ve seen more rule breaking sens i have bot beena staff member.
What skills or qualities do you have that would make you a valuable member of the staff team?
What I can provide that some may not is my availability. I will be online, in-game, and on Discord as frequently as possible, allowing me to resolve issues quickly and always be there for community support.
Have you been involved in any other communities or teams? If so, please list them and describe your role:
yes but all of those being with in mountin interactive.
How would you handle a conflict between two community members?
i would try getting both stories from each player first and then would begin to ask if either player has they a clip at which if one or both does i would watch both of the videos and would look at the staff gudie and see if i could make a decision from that if not i would then conatct a superior.
Describe a time you had to solve a difficult problem in a leadership or team role:
one of my sceond day as a staff memeber for mi i had to help handle with a report of a guy that rdm someone but the other staff memeber couldnt for sure say if that was rdm so i over looked the clip and it was indeed it was rdm at which i looked over the staff gudie and then looked at the players history and made the decsion of a warning.
How do you prioritize tasks when managing multiple responsibilities?
When priortizing multipul task i would tey and respond to every task as fast as i can and would also be respectful as possible and try and make sure the player is happy not only with my service but also with my decsion.
What do you think is the most important value for a Mountain Interactive Staff member to uphold, and why?
Being professional. With all of the donator perks, it can sometimes be hard to punish someone who’s funding mountian interactive community. Remaining professional towards donators and regular players is a must, ensuring the game stays fair and it isnt just all about the donators we must trat all emmeber with respect no matter what.
How would you support and encourage new members of the community?
I would introduce myself to them and tell them that if they need to report a rule being broken to do so to keep the game from being brain rot and that there are many other staff that are weling to help them and that if they need to ask a question about somthing in game then do as a staff member we are here to help.
What are your long-term goals, and how does being part of Mountain Interactive align with them?
My long term goal that i haveachived in life to to runa loader at which i have acommplished and have been doing it sensie i started 12th grade and i ahve made many thing happen in my life from doing so which does mean i work a lot more then some others.
Are there any areas within the community you feel need improvement? If so, what ideas do you have to address them?
nothing comes to mind as of this time.
By submitting this application, I confirm that:
All information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that any false information may result in immediate disqualification or removal from the staff team.
Signature (type your name here): Tyler
Date: 12/24/24