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Personal Information

  1. Name (optional): aura

  2. Age: 16

  3. Time-zone & Country: CST, Wisconsin

Contact Information

  1. Discord Username: freakferret
    (e.g., Username#1234)

  2. Discord ID: 1026223347358507079
    (18-digit numerical ID)

  3. Roblox Username: aurathiss

  4. Roblox ID: 2608402448
    (Numerical ID from your Roblox profile link)

Staff References

  1. Do you have a staff reference from an Administrator or above?
    (Yes/No) Yes.

  2. If yes, please provide the name of the staff member who referred you:

    oitz_Division, Len


  1. Have you completed 4 weeks of trial moderation experience?
    (Yes/No) Yes, as listed in my portfolio I have held power in many groups. There’s communities outside of Roblox I have moderated for as well.

  2. Provide evidence of your trial moderation experience (links, screenshots, logs, etc.): I will provide the contacts of some of my supervisors and peers if requested.

Moderation History

  1. Do you have any active warnings or bans within the past 6 months?
    (Yes/No) I don’t believe so.

  2. Have you ever been permanently banned?
    (Yes/No) Yes.

  3. If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain: It was before the ban wipe, I didn’t appeal it but I have learned what I should do differently next time. If more information is required I will provide it upon request.

Approval Document

  1. Have you received an approval document from a Trust & Safety instructor?
    (Yes/No) No.

  2. If yes, upload the document in PDF format or provide a link to the file:

Additional Questions

  1. Why do you want to join the Mountain Interactive Staff Team?
    I intend to be a trusted, active staff member at Mountain Interactive. A ready and reliable person always on call to address community concerns. During my time in Mountain Interactive, I've seen many player complaints about a lack of in-game staff. For instance, when I've entered certain servers there were people mass RDMing and there were no staff on. I plan to dedicate much of my free time to combat this, and hop between servers. There is no better feeling than knowing I'll be a favored part of the community. I will do my best to ensure every community member has the best time while simultaneously having a good time myself. I see this position not only as an opportunity to better the community but as an opportunity to give back to a community in which I am grateful to be a part of. It doesn't get any better than being in a position where one can use their passion for helping people while simultaneously better serving others. Furthermore, working with the other volunteer staff will provide me with the experience to grow my own team skills, grow my experience with law enforcement, and continue to grow my problem-solving and communication skills.

  2. What skills or qualities do you have that would make you a valuable member of the staff team?
    What I can provide that some may not is my availability. I will be online, in-game, and on Discord as frequently as possible, allowing me to resolve issues quickly and always be there for community support. In addition, I have prior experience as a moderator. I understand the role's expectations and the dedication needed to uphold the integrity of the position. I also possess customer service skills, which means that my transferable abilities relating to conflict resolution and mediation can be employed in any situation. While the experience be different, the skills are similar and should be easy to apply. In addition to my adaptability and eagerness to learn make me a good fit for being staff at Mountain Interactive.

  3. Have you been involved in any other communities or teams? If so, please list them and describe your role:
    I have been apart of many groups within my time on Roblox, all of my information regarding positions may be found on my portfolio.

  4. How would you handle a conflict between two community members?
    I'd ask whether either player has a clip of what happened. If they do I would watch it and act accordingly to the rules. If no one has evidence I would ask both of them for their recollection of what happened. If I cannot come to an outcome of what happened or both views seem exaggerated, I would most likely void the roleplay. If it isn't a situation that can be voided, I would call one of my superiors.

  5. Describe a time you had to solve a difficult problem in a leadership or team role:
    I am a first year freshman mentor for my school and my senior mentors were not there with me and they usually lead everything. This resulted in us having nothing to do in our meeting with our freshman homeroom. I had decided to take responsibility and found a good Quizlet for them to play. This lead to everyone participating, and the kids having fun whilst doing some sort of learning.

  6. How do you prioritize tasks when managing multiple responsibilities?
    When managing multiple responsibilities I prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. In-game moderation always comes first, as it is the main focus of the community. I would have the game opened on one of my monitors, while looking at something on another, such as discord, the TeamSpeak, or forums. While still being aware of what is happening in game, I would utilize my free time to moderate the Discord and forums, allowing me to handle two platforms. This approach ensures that I can address player issues quickly while also staying engaged with other parts of the community.

  7. What do you think is the most important value for a Mountain Interactive Staff member to uphold, and why?
    Being unbiased. With all of the donator perks, it can sometimes be hard to punish someone who’s funding your community. Remaining unbiased towards donators is a must, ensuring the game stays fair and it doesn’t become corrupt. Another value is multitasking, you get approached by a lot of people in game as staff, even if you’re helping someone already. You also have to deal with discord, and most likely a lot of other stuff. Multitasking is a must to ensure you can dedicate your focus to the most important thing, and not miss details.

  8. How would you support and encourage new members of the community?
    I would introduce myself to them and that I'm available to answer any questions or concerns they may have. I would recommend them to play as RCSO, the starting point of law enforcement in Perris. If they like it, I’d suggest they try to join RPD and get more engaged in the community.

  9. What are your long-term goals, and how does being part of Mountain Interactive align with them?
    My long term goal in life is to become a police officer in my city. Even though Mountain Interactive is a Roblox community, there’s lots I’m able to learn. Having a staff position allows me to help keep the experience realistic and fair for everybody. Another goal I have within Mountain Interactive is to become better known in the community, as a moderator that will help me achieve my goal. Being a moderator has some ups and downs, constantly having to deal with troubling situations

  10. Are there any areas within the community you feel need improvement? If so, what ideas do you have to address them?
    I believe there should be more structure to the departments in Perris. There is a lot of random people that sometimes just join the team to mess around and can’t get banned because what they do isn’t against the rules. Most of it is just annoying and tedious, but implementing a structure into some of the departments will help with some of this stuff.


By submitting this application, I confirm that:

  • All information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

  • I understand that any false information may result in immediate disqualification or removal from the staff team.

Signature (type your name here): aurathiss
Date: 12/17/24

Edited by 5xatz
rewrote a significant amount of my application

This Mountain Interactive Account is currently banned. Ban Length: Permanently
Ban Reason: Pedophilia Activities
Message added by TheRedactedness,

Application Accepted

Featured Replies


Good application and information, good candidate for the future.


Website Staff Lead & Council

Volunteer Lead Administrator

Spanish & English


He paid me to plus one just kidding hes a good candidate

This Mountain Interactive Account is currently banned. Ban Length: Permanently
Ban Reason: VTOS | NOT APPEALABLE | Racism, and harassment of others


Good application, very detailed but has a previous warning on his record.



Volunteer Senior Moderator

As a long time member of this community, I also as mentioned in their application do support this person.


Vehicle Designer @ Mountain Interactive

  • Author
1 hour ago, SkyXVellerium said:


Good application, very detailed but has a previous warning on his record.

Yes, I forgot that I did. It was for when I did a drive by, it was labeled as RDM and Interrupting a Scene. I was still learning the game and what I could and couldn’t do. At the time I thought it’d be a good roleplay opportunity. After all of this time i’ve realized how annoying stuff like that is, and haven’t gotten a warning since.

Edited by 5xatz

This Mountain Interactive Account is currently banned. Ban Length: Permanently
Ban Reason: Pedophilia Activities

+1. Overall a solid application and a great person the staff team could you. Little more detail wouldn’t hurt but compared to many other applications this one would be a slightly above average.

This Mountain Interactive Account is currently banned. Ban Length: Permanently
Ban Reason: Violating Mountain Interactive's Terms of Service
On 12/17/2024 at 6:13 PM, 5xatz said:

Personal Information

  1. Name (optional): aura

  2. Age: 16

  3. Time-zone & Country: CST, Wisconsin

Contact Information

  1. Discord Username: freakferret
    (e.g., Username#1234)

  2. Discord ID: 1026223347358507079
    (18-digit numerical ID)

  3. Roblox Username: aurathiss

  4. Roblox ID: 2608402448
    (Numerical ID from your Roblox profile link)

Staff References

  1. Do you have a staff reference from an Administrator or above?
    (Yes/No) Yes.

  2. If yes, please provide the name of the staff member who referred you:

    oitz_Division, Len


  1. Have you completed 4 weeks of trial moderation experience?
    (Yes/No) Yes, as listed in my portfolio I have held power in many groups. There’s communities outside of Roblox I have moderated for as well.

  2. Provide evidence of your trial moderation experience (links, screenshots, logs, etc.): I will provide the contacts of some of my supervisors and peers if requested.

Moderation History

  1. Do you have any active warnings or bans within the past 6 months?
    (Yes/No) I don’t believe so.

  2. Have you ever been permanently banned?
    (Yes/No) Yes.

  3. If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain: It was before the ban wipe, I didn’t appeal it but I have learned what I should do differently next time. If more information is required I will provide it upon request.

Approval Document

  1. Have you received an approval document from a Trust & Safety instructor?
    (Yes/No) No.

  2. If yes, upload the document in PDF format or provide a link to the file:

Additional Questions

  1. Why do you want to join the Mountain Interactive Staff Team?
    I intend to be a trusted, active staff member at Mountain Interactive. A ready and reliable person always on call to address community concerns. During my time in Mountain Interactive, I've seen many player complaints about a lack of in-game staff. For instance, when I've entered certain servers there were people mass RDMing and there were no staff on. I plan to dedicate much of my free time to combat this, and hop between servers. There is no better feeling than knowing I'll be a favored part of the community. I will do my best to ensure every community member has the best time while simultaneously having a good time myself. I see this position not only as an opportunity to better the community but as an opportunity to give back to a community in which I am grateful to be a part of. It doesn't get any better than being in a position where one can use their passion for helping people while simultaneously better serving others. Furthermore, working with the other volunteer staff will provide me with the experience to grow my own team skills, grow my experience with law enforcement, and continue to grow my problem-solving and communication skills.

  2. What skills or qualities do you have that would make you a valuable member of the staff team?
    What I can provide that some may not is my availability. I will be online, in-game, and on Discord as frequently as possible, allowing me to resolve issues quickly and always be there for community support. In addition, I have prior experience as a moderator. I understand the role's expectations and the dedication needed to uphold the integrity of the position. I also possess customer service skills, which means that my transferable abilities relating to conflict resolution and mediation can be employed in any situation. While the experience be different, the skills are similar and should be easy to apply. In addition to my adaptability and eagerness to learn make me a good fit for being staff at Mountain Interactive.

  3. Have you been involved in any other communities or teams? If so, please list them and describe your role:
    I have been apart of many groups within my time on Roblox, all of my information regarding positions may be found on my portfolio.

  4. How would you handle a conflict between two community members?
    I'd ask whether either player has a clip of what happened. If they do I would watch it and act accordingly to the rules. If no one has evidence I would ask both of them for their recollection of what happened. If I cannot come to an outcome of what happened or both views seem exaggerated, I would most likely void the roleplay. If it isn't a situation that can be voided, I would call one of my superiors.

  5. Describe a time you had to solve a difficult problem in a leadership or team role:
    I am a first year freshman mentor for my school and my senior mentors were not there with me and they usually lead everything. This resulted in us having nothing to do in our meeting with our freshman homeroom. I had decided to take responsibility and found a good Quizlet for them to play. This lead to everyone participating, and the kids having fun whilst doing some sort of learning.

  6. How do you prioritize tasks when managing multiple responsibilities?
    When managing multiple responsibilities I prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. In-game moderation always comes first, as it is the main focus of the community. I would have the game opened on one of my monitors, while looking at something on another, such as discord, the TeamSpeak, or forums. While still being aware of what is happening in game, I would utilize my free time to moderate the Discord and forums, allowing me to handle two platforms. This approach ensures that I can address player issues quickly while also staying engaged with other parts of the community.

  7. What do you think is the most important value for a Mountain Interactive Staff member to uphold, and why?
    Being unbiased. With all of the donator perks, it can sometimes be hard to punish someone who’s funding your community. Remaining unbiased towards donators is a must, ensuring the game stays fair and it doesn’t become corrupt. Another value is multitasking, you get approached by a lot of people in game as staff, even if you’re helping someone already. You also have to deal with discord, and most likely a lot of other stuff. Multitasking is a must to ensure you can dedicate your focus to the most important thing, and not miss details.

  8. How would you support and encourage new members of the community?
    I would introduce myself to them and that I'm available to answer any questions or concerns they may have. I would recommend them to play as RCSO, the starting point of law enforcement in Perris. If they like it, I’d suggest they try to join RPD and get more engaged in the community.

  9. What are your long-term goals, and how does being part of Mountain Interactive align with them?
    My long term goal in life is to become a police officer in my city. Even though Mountain Interactive is a Roblox community, there’s lots I’m able to learn. Having a staff position allows me to help keep the experience realistic and fair for everybody. Another goal I have within Mountain Interactive is to become better known in the community, as a moderator that will help me achieve my goal. Being a moderator has some ups and downs, constantly having to deal with troubling situations

  10. Are there any areas within the community you feel need improvement? If so, what ideas do you have to address them?
    I believe there should be more structure to the departments in Perris. There is a lot of random people that sometimes just join the team to mess around and can’t get banned because what they do isn’t against the rules. Most of it is just annoying and tedious, but implementing a structure into some of the departments will help with some of this stuff.


By submitting this application, I confirm that:

  • All information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

  • I understand that any false information may result in immediate disqualification or removal from the staff team.

Signature (type your name here): aurathiss
Date: 12/17/24

+1 told me to do it just kidding great fit for position