Appealing Roblox Username: Chosen_B Appealing Discord ID: 155125251468951553 Warning Date: 11/19/2024 Moderating Staff Member: magicman8482 What game did the warning take place in?: LA
Warning Reason: NLR Warning Appeal: Reason why I believe this warning should be lifted is due to lack of evidence or proof of this ever happening. The posted “clip” doesn’t even exist or any other supporting evidence that I had violated NLR rules. The moderator decided to give me a warning for this issue without having a proper clip/evidence to backup their reasoning for this matter. So I would wish for this to be removed from my account if possible.
Appealing Roblox Username: Chosen_B
Appealing Discord ID: 155125251468951553
Warning Date: 11/19/2024
Moderating Staff Member: magicman8482
What game did the warning take place in?: LA
Warning Reason: NLR
Warning Appeal: Reason why I believe this warning should be lifted is due to lack of evidence or proof of this ever happening. The posted “clip” doesn’t even exist or any other supporting evidence that I had violated NLR rules. The moderator decided to give me a warning for this issue without having a proper clip/evidence to backup their reasoning for this matter. So I would wish for this to be removed from my account if possible.
Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A
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