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📢  Game Update: Los Angeles | 12/08/2024 📢

Hello Mountain Interactive, guess who is back (back again) with another Los Angeles patch log !
Here is what’s new :

🛠 Fixes

Pressing the Horn / Manual siren doesn’t glitch it in an endless state anymore.

Lighting variation doesn’t reset the pattern of the whole car anymore.

Removed un-used data within EZLightos.

Made back-end more understandable on EZLightos.

🛠 Changes / Additions

Using the Manual while having the Hyper / Hi-LO siren activated will use the Phaser siren instead of the wail.

Using the Manual while having the wail / yelp siren activated switches between them. (wail and yelp)

Using the Manual while having the Phaser siren activated will use the Airhorn instead of the wail.

Until next time,