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May 28, 2023
Roblox username: kapatsoulias 

Discord tag: iianthony_law

Your RP name: Cannot recall it + every time I get into the game it requests me to make a new RP character.

Username of person I am reporting: de_emd1

Their discord username: Unknown.

Give us an Incident Description:

Me and my friend named "wilhaven" ( all clips are filmed from him, I am the driver) decided to go to the highway to avoid city lag, since we could not enjoy the game. We were both on the sheriff team. We stop at the side of the highway for a bit. A trooper named "de_emd1" who was across the highway came towards us on foot. The trooper asked if everything was okay. We said yes. The trooper said that we cannot be at the highway since we are sheriffs. We tell the trooper that we can be here, and that we would like to stay. We also tell the trooper that just because they're in the CHP team does not mean they have any authority over us. The trooper says we have 5 minutes to leave otherwise we would be arrested. We get in our car and drive towards civ spawn, our original destination. We arrive, we pump some gas. The trooper (which I will refer as she from now on) was behind us the whole time. She left a minute before we exited the civ spawn. EVERYTHING FROM NOW ON SHOULD BE ON TAPE.

Part 2 clip: We get out, turn left to go into the highway and we stop for a bit. She calls a 10-11. After we take off, she calls a 10-80. After we make the U-turn, a PD I did not notice rammed us. You can review the videos provided yourselves, to see the conversations that followed.

Part 3 clip: Final clip, continuing of part 2.

What rules / offences did the player break: The trooper was toxic, power hungry and abusive. You can see her being negative towards sheriffs being in the highway for no reason at all.  
How long do you think the player be punished for: I think the trooper should be banned for 2 weeks for ruining player's experiences and incompetence. A warning & a strict conversation with her shall be made about her behaviour for future reference. 
Time of Occurrence: About 2:10 PM BST 

Additional members involved/witnessing: Roblox user:  wilhaven Discord User: wil5332 (No tag)

Note: I think an announcement shall be made to make it clear that sheriffs are allowed in the highway, if that's what the Staff team decides. That's to prevent situations like these ever again. 

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