Community Introduction

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Founder of Mountain Interactive
Founder of Mountain Interactive
  • May 8, 2023
    Hello everyone,

    I have quite some interesting news for a lot of subjects, I'm going to split everything into sections with this announcement so you don't have to read all the mumbo jumbo. I have some really big plans for Mountain Interactive which I'd love to share with all of you. You're all why I'm still here doing this community, all my hard work and days of sleepless nights have come to this. I'm able to afford more, explore new projects, and have more to show for myself and my team. Thank you for being with us, if you're a new member I welcome you to our community 🙂

    Why the switch was made

    I decided to make the switch for several reasons, our subscription/donation system was very weird and hidden in account settings. We had an issue with our data getting corrupted since xenforo had an issue on their end, though we came to an agreement, and account credit was given for the mistake. Another reason would be their limitation of site development and modding community. These forums software we are using have been around since 1999! I know you guys are used to discord, the earliest skype group chats. I know forums seems so old to use but it has their benefits, allowing a community to get together to discuss issues, events, and more. Discord is politically correct and this disgusting bucket of garbage to me, while I think it's a good resource to send an announcement quickly it has its problems. We plan to stick with Invision community for years moving forward, so don't lose the password to your account!!!

    [SIZE= 16px]What is the purpose of Mountain Interactive and what is this community about?[/SIZE]

    This community has actually been around since 2018, that's almost 5 years ago. We started very very small as your average roblox military/cop community bringing people who love cops and military into a community and a game, In 2019 I started purchasing these projects from Alpine Development Studios run by LinearPrecision and NineL1NE who are some very talented bright people. They've run their very small community and have made all sorts of games. All the projects like Victor Valley, Perris California, and San Dimas originally came from them. When I first started taking their old projects I wasn't making any revenue, I was young and just wanted to have fun with people, I did this all the way until Victor Valley's early stages. Unfortunately, I lost a person very close to me who gave me the motivation to get into web development and business. You may think I'm someone who has it all figured out, but all my life I struggled, moving school after school, apartment after apartment. I moved so much I wasn't able to establish a good group of friends so I met people online who played the same genre of games I liked and established some very very strong friendships. 

    I think that we are all the same type of people, we have our own issues in some sort of form and come online to escape the shitty lives we have and simply have fun. And I understand that very well because I am the same person. Just because I own a big community doesn't make me not a human being or any different from you. When people freak out because of my position I'll never understand, do not think I am a special person because I'm not. I know life is hard and I know exactly how you feel right about now. This world is a nasty place now, it wasn't any better but we now have all this shit shoved in our faces of War, Murder, Politics, and just overall garbage. So all we can do is play games to escape and relax.

    So yeah, that's a small part of how Mountain Interactive came to be, of course, I haven't gone over all the details of every single thing. I owe a lot to people on this platform who've kept pushing me and helping me to do this and move forward, I've attempted to quit several times but I know I just have to keep pushing! So, I want you to treat everyone here with respect, I want you to know that you're not the only person in the world who may be having a hard time, everyone on here is just like you, trying to escape. 

    [SIZE= 16px]How is this community different from others?[/SIZE]

    Well, first off we are a business. We look for educated developers from around the world and look to buy those old projects that people have built and no longer use to put life back into them. I'd say we are more of a connected community. While this community has been through a lot of events we've stood strong. I've personally listened to all the ideas this community has brought to me and they've been executed perfectly. I've never met so many people with so many ideas in any community other than this one. Our goal will always stand to make our games immersive as much as possible as that is what I target.

    [SIZE= 16px]What are your future plans?[/SIZE]

    Mountain Interactive LLC is about to be slashed and turned into Mountain Interactive Corporation, there are several reasons why we are moving to a corporation. we aim to gain investors and make buyouts of Steam games, Roblox games, and games of all sorts that are lost with so much opportunity. It's like walking into a charity shop and finding something that is broken, buying it, and improving it. I have loads of ideas I want to be created but these ideas take time and finding the right people to execute them can be a difficult task.

    [SIZE= 16px]Final Message[/SIZE]

    However long you are here, I really want you to enjoy your time and make friends and memories here. This is a small part of your life depending on your age. Do what makes you happy and find something you like and never stop working on it. 

    Love yall,

    David | Creative Director & Web Developer for Mountain Interactive

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