Roblox Username: B0NESMAN
Discord Tag (Ex. Discord#0001): Dexia (no tags)
Your RP Name: Boone Anderson
Ban Length: infinite
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): WASP
Ban Reason: WASP said I was in a leaking server
Why I should be unbanned: Ive left all of the leaking servers that I was in a while ago. I realized the damage it causes to the small time creators and businesses.
Time of Occurrence: Late 2022-Early 2023
Additional members involved/witnessing: n/a
Discord Tag (Ex. Discord#0001): Dexia (no tags)
Your RP Name: Boone Anderson
Ban Length: infinite
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): WASP
Ban Reason: WASP said I was in a leaking server
Why I should be unbanned: Ive left all of the leaking servers that I was in a while ago. I realized the damage it causes to the small time creators and businesses.
Time of Occurrence: Late 2022-Early 2023
Additional members involved/witnessing: n/a