Ban Appeal.

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May 7, 2023

Roblox Username: maximpinault33
Discord Tag (Ex. Discord#0001): max_.
Your RP Name: Alexander Anderson

Ban Length: 8 day

Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @CrazySpartan93

Ban Reason: LTAP, NLR
Why I should be unbanned: I should be unbanned because that was a mess. I didn't understand what happened and I misunderstood what the staff said. Mr. Aristotle told me not to leave so I told him I would not. Just after he only told Leave. So I thought That he was telling me to leave so before leaving I said Oh ok. My intention wasn't to leave and be banned for LATP but I wanted to do what he told me. But because I didn't pay attention while typing, I think he told me to leave. After, Bout the NLR; I got freekill by someone that I do not know for no reason and when I respawned I saw a person that looked like the person that RDM me pointing his gun at someone else, so I wanted to help and I kill him thinking that he will kill the person. But I made a mistake and it wasn't him. So I apologized to the staff, saying that I thought that he killed me but finally, he wasn't. My goal in MI is to RP and I don't want to disturb other person RP. I just ask you, Mr. Aristotle, sorry. I didn't want to leave like that I just did not pay attention and I only said the "leave" that you said. Again, I should be unbanned because I'm not a person that trolls or does ****, I'm only a roleplayer who wanted to help another one but by mistake, it wasn't the RDMer that killed me.

Time of Occurrence: Today
Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A

Capture d’écran 2023-09-09 132228.jpg

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