Roblox Username: ben_planetgamer
Discord Tag (Ex. Discord#0001): typicaltylerrr
Your RP Name: Tyler Banks
Ban Length: Infinite
Banning Staff Member: Unknown
Ban Reason: Asset Theft
Why I should be unbanned: So I was banned for Asset Theft somehow when this random guy dm'ed me about some game that I had and to archive it. The only games I have from yall are fort loredo and the menorca or something map that yall released for free before the website revamp. Now I never leaked anything because I don't even have the software to do that but I do know somebody who did leak your game. And before I go further on I know I can't "appeal for somebody else" but my friend ash was banned falsely after showing me the message that got me banned because I was curious. His ban wasn't even shown in the logs and if you look there you only see a warning or something. So he was banned for no reason which he spent about a few dollars and he can't make a appeal about it so if yall can try to get him to make an appeal his user on roblox is Riot941 and discord is ashn. And me nor him were involved in any asset theft but my friend nate did synapse your game before synapse broke and I have proof. So if you can unban us please we deserve a second chance and we did nothing wrong I don't have any leaked assets within my possession. Nates discord is axis392. And image (1) is the screenshot ash sent that got him banned.
Time of Occurrence: 6/25/2022
Additional members involved/witnessing:
Discord Tag (Ex. Discord#0001): typicaltylerrr
Your RP Name: Tyler Banks
Ban Length: Infinite
Banning Staff Member: Unknown
Ban Reason: Asset Theft
Why I should be unbanned: So I was banned for Asset Theft somehow when this random guy dm'ed me about some game that I had and to archive it. The only games I have from yall are fort loredo and the menorca or something map that yall released for free before the website revamp. Now I never leaked anything because I don't even have the software to do that but I do know somebody who did leak your game. And before I go further on I know I can't "appeal for somebody else" but my friend ash was banned falsely after showing me the message that got me banned because I was curious. His ban wasn't even shown in the logs and if you look there you only see a warning or something. So he was banned for no reason which he spent about a few dollars and he can't make a appeal about it so if yall can try to get him to make an appeal his user on roblox is Riot941 and discord is ashn. And me nor him were involved in any asset theft but my friend nate did synapse your game before synapse broke and I have proof. So if you can unban us please we deserve a second chance and we did nothing wrong I don't have any leaked assets within my possession. Nates discord is axis392. And image (1) is the screenshot ash sent that got him banned.
Time of Occurrence: 6/25/2022
Additional members involved/witnessing: