Roblox Username: ThomasMWShelby
Discord Tag (Ex. Discord#0001): thomasmwshelby
Your RP Name: Joseph Maddox
Ban Length: 1 day.
Answer this question using Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @ArrowSider
Answer this question using Ban Reason: Tool Abuse?
Answer this question using Why I should be unbanned:
Read, understood, and followed ban appeal rules?: (Y/N) Yes.
Discord Tag (Ex. Discord#0001): thomasmwshelby
Your RP Name: Joseph Maddox
Ban Length: 1 day.
Answer this question using Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @ArrowSider
Answer this question using Ban Reason: Tool Abuse?
Answer this question using Why I should be unbanned:
He as most people do clipped the little part of the story that suited him, I can provide you a clip of the whole story and let you decide. He had been arrested after crashing his garbage truck into everyone and tried to run. When I joined in he was still evading arrest, I even tasered him and he kept running anyway (which is frp) and when I did manage to get a hold of him he kept moving while cuffed to glitch my cuffs out which meant I couldn't move. So I felt like I was left with no option but to try to subdue him with the tazer and he kept trying to run anyway so I felt shooting him to make him unconscious was the best option to stop him wasting so much time after he frped and kept messing up the cuffs not letting us go anywhere.
Read, understood, and followed ban appeal rules?: (Y/N) Yes.
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