Roblox Username: SpectacularLukea2008
Discord Tag (Ex. Discord#0001): hexiscool
Your RP Name: Blackwell Adams
Ban Length:
End Date: 9/7/2023, 12:33:02 PM
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): 390354168600330241
Ban Reason: RDM x1
Why I should be unbanned: Not too sure why I got banned here, I was walking around with someone that I didn't really know, this SRU came up to me and started accusing me of stealing a LEO vehicle, he pulls out his cuffs and I take off into store where he starts to follow me, he gets up close again and me believing he is attempting to make an arrest due to him already trying to cuff me I shoot him. | Staff hardly even attempted to explain the situation and I was met with "dawg" "whyd you kill him" I couldnt even talk before I was just banned with staff hardly even trying to talk to me.
Time of Occurrence: Start Date: 9/7/2023, 12:33:02 AM
Additional members involved/witnessing:
Read, understood, and followed ban appeal rules?: Y
Discord Tag (Ex. Discord#0001): hexiscool
Your RP Name: Blackwell Adams
Ban Length:
End Date: 9/7/2023, 12:33:02 PM
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): 390354168600330241
Ban Reason: RDM x1
Why I should be unbanned: Not too sure why I got banned here, I was walking around with someone that I didn't really know, this SRU came up to me and started accusing me of stealing a LEO vehicle, he pulls out his cuffs and I take off into store where he starts to follow me, he gets up close again and me believing he is attempting to make an arrest due to him already trying to cuff me I shoot him. | Staff hardly even attempted to explain the situation and I was met with "dawg" "whyd you kill him" I couldnt even talk before I was just banned with staff hardly even trying to talk to me.
Time of Occurrence: Start Date: 9/7/2023, 12:33:02 AM
Additional members involved/witnessing:
Read, understood, and followed ban appeal rules?: Y
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