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  1. DTD118111 started following RDM REPORT
  2. DTD118111 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: dd118111 Discord User ID : 538664159211159553 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: @RAREShadow936 Discord Username of the player you're reporting: Unknown Give us an Incident Description: Drove up to the active shooter scene runs up to me and double taps me then hides like are u kidding me What rules / offences did the player break: RDM, Scene Interference (SI) How long do you think the player be punished for: Not my duty to decide but i think a week... done it more then once today.. Time of Occurrence: 5:10 AM EST. Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A shorten RDM report vid - Made with Clipchamp.mp4
    i love the truck but sad there's no radio 🙁 light pattern tho is amazing would be 5/5 if it had a radio solid 4.5 stars UPDATE: as of 12:04 EST. Truck is truly awesome, i tested some mechanics and i can truly say it can handle what ever you put in front of it. lol TRX test - Made with Clipchamp.mp4