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Titanium VIP
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  1. Staff Member: @TheArsenalLegend728 Review Rating: 10/10 Review Notes: Absolutely handled an inappropriate argument in general chat amazingly. Super professional and serious while timing people out who continued after being told not to do so. Amazing moderator.
  2. uh yeah i "accidentally" left the server so if i can get my keys and my member roles and such back that would be great. (Not my staff roles)
  3. Appealing Roblox Username: monkeys0749 Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 1003766789181800548 Ban Length: 4 days Moderating Staff Member: @webs What game did the ban take place in?: Los Angeles Ban Reason: RDM, RSI (Attach screenshot of your ban message / use imgur) Why I Should Be Unbanned: I should be unbanned because from what I saw, he was trying to kill the LAPD Officer and I wanted the officer to live, so I confronted the guy and why he shot his car and then he pulled his gun so I shot him dead. (I was told by many many people that was allowed, I even did it earlier and was told its allowed by multiple people) But it won’t happen again and I am truly sorry if I ruined the RP. | MY POV: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/iYmlUhmGreLlpiSxK?invite=cr-MSxlbXcsMTc3MzE4NDAyLA Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A