Dking5824 started following My Ban Appeal , Appeal + Report for Lying to Staff to get me Banned , Abuse of Tools, RDM Report and 4 others
Appeal + Report for Lying to Staff to get me Banned
Appealing Roblox Username: Dking5824 Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): Dking5824 in main comms Ban Length: 01 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds What game did the ban take place in?: Perris Why should you be unbanned?: Person who reported me, lied to staff, and got me banned with a 10 second clip that had zero context. Description of what happened: My friend Caylus got RDMed by a guy. we confronted him Out of Character in which he then typed stuff similar to "I'm WL RPD" In order to scare us or something. He left the little confrontation after joining RPD team to "Prove he's RPD" etc etc, and then we left it alone for then. According to Cr4zy Dylan (the staff member) "42" minutes later he accepted the !help request, and Caylus could not get the clip to send due to the size, and discord's limitations on sending large videos. After that staff scene Caylus saw the guy later, then confronted him again (You can hear some audio in my clip of him talking to him.), and as I'm passing by the confrontation, which is OUT OF RP, the guy who we're confronting's friend shoots Caylus for no reason. I then whip around my Camero, spike the car he ran into, and as he is running to my car, I shot him to make him unconscious. (Yes, I could have tased, but his friend was also there, and I did not want to 2v1. It also seemed appropriate due to the RDM on Caylus he just committed.). I cuffed him, and the original guy who shot Caylus 50 minutes ago, then shot me. Afterwards: The guy I shot for RDMing Caylus then reported me; he edits out EVERYTHING and just submits the part of me shooting him. He DIRECTLY lies to moderators, gives them edited and false clips of incidents, and got me banned for a 10-second-no-context-clip. User of Person who falsely reported + RDMed Caylus: Caeltus (Roblox user) C A E L T U S imcae (Medal user) Caeltus (Discord user in main comms) C A E L T U S Please, get this guy banned. Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.
RDM 2x report
Roblox Username: Dking5824 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): Dking5824 display in main comms. Dawsonm10 real user. Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: xPuszek34 Give us an Incident Description: I was FBI, and my friend, "CaylusK2222" both gave 2 other people a ride. My friend was driving erratically, we got pulled over. My friend decided to run, I was in the back of a patrol car already, and the 2 people we were giving a ride decided to run on foot. RCSO lit them up, even though we did not pull a gun, or try to injure anyone in any way. They simply fled and got shot while running. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM on 2 people in the same scene. How long do you think the player be punished for: Temp ban, 1-3 days. only in perris - Clipped with Medal.tv Time of Occurrence: Around 4:16 PM CST. Additional members involved/witnessing: toyou453
Abuse of Tools, RDM Report
Roblox Username: Dking5824 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): Dking5824 in main comms Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: sajjoodyboy Give us an Incident Description: Roleplaying as Batman helping LEO, saw this guy try to get an angle to shoot a RCSO, then a pursuit happened so he couldn't shoot the RCSO. He crashed his car (Then spawned a yellow Cadillac) following the pursuit of the same RCSO he tried shooting randomly. Then once the pursuit was over, the suspect of the pursuit was dead, he forced himself into the scene by grabbing money or a gun off the dead guy. Then circled back to kill the RCSO for shooting at him, I thought I saw a gun, shot him, and then the RCSO and backup started blasting my car. I stopped, tried to cooperate, but they kept on shooting at me, after about 5-10 seconds of me doing nothing, but sit and be in my car. I tried getting out with my hands up when the shots stopped, but the USMS immediately shot me (Unconscious). Detained me, and without questions to the primary RCSO, booked for LEO homicide, reckless driving, etc etc. He did not know at all what happened, rolled up on scene, shot me while surrendering, and booked me. As of now reviewing this clip a lot, I may have violated RDM or FRP, but he was attempting to RDM RCSO, So, I believe it was acceptable. I'm okay to accept if I get punished for any violations I made while this scene happened, I just strongly want sajjoodyboy moderated. What rules / offences did the player break: Tool Abuse, Booking abuse or false arresting, RDM. How long do you think the player be punished for: Perm ban Time of Occurrence: 6:02 PM CST Exactly. (This report took me 30 minutes, it's currently 6:32.) Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal. https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jMC4IotmysLxBOPtf?invite=cr-MSxvTkwsMjU3NzEyODEzLA Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.
Rogue report
Roblox Username: Dking5824 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): Dking5824 in main comms. Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: TorttaSRT, and E7Hakutaka Give us an Incident Description: Rogue driver abusing radio (Didn't clip), went to talk to him about it. He was in a TS at S&K, and fled off the traffic stop, then 50ed was spiked. He and his friend tried shooting me, thought RCSO can't do damage to other LEO teams (THANKFULLY). Both we're uncon'ed, he tried radioing playing victim and cussed me out (Little hard to hear in clip, but he said, "What are you doing! I didn't hit your a##!" -I don't know if I can use profanity in reports.). He friend left as well to avoid any persecution from staff. What rules / offences did the player break: Abuse of teams, attempted RDM, V-TOS for swearing How long do you think the player be punished for: Perm ban for TorttaSRT, Perm/long temp for E7Hakutaka Time of Occurrence: 4:28 PM CST The bottom-most clip is the pursuit, and him swearing, shooting, etc. Top-most is the start. Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.
RDM, Scene Interference, Glitching or Exploiting
Roblox Username: Dking5824 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): Dking5824 in main comms. Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: 2x players - mingyao9323223 + Razersharpmaster2 Give us an Incident Description: Detained and attempted to book a suspect (user was Bordercazrharris), but he then stalled and allowed his friends to do some sort of glitching or use alts and exploit. Don't fully understand which they did, but either way RDM, scene interference, and glitching/exploiting. To help prove it was likely glitching or exploiting is that both RPD gates are closed (I double checked this, that's correct, both were closed.), and my car is empty except for the guy I'm booking, and me. I'm putting a screenshot to show the back gate was closed, for better evidence. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM, scene interference, glitching or exploiting. How long do you think the player be punished for: Perm Ban for Mingyao9323223, temp ban for Sharpmaster2 since he didn't attempt to RDM, but still interfered and likely glitched to enter RPD garage. Razersharpmaster2 also likely was just watching his friend, instead of wanting to actually interfere. Time of Occurrence: Around 9:22 PM CST 2/26/2025 Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal. - To show the back gate was closed.
rdm, ltaa Report
Roblox Username: Dking5824 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): User Dking5824 in main comms Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Brikxi0366 Give us an Incident Description: Found him in a stolen RCSO explorer, I was a civ helping cops since the server was chaos. Spiked his car, I didn't have a taser, and he keep charging at me,, so I shot him (I'm civ), and he was put unconscious. We healed him, my friend who was RCSO cuffed him, and put him in my explorer. He left on the way to the RCSO (Watch leave/join logs as we exit S&K). I later found him and his friend, before I even can type, he shoots me. -The videos are in order from bottom being first, to top being last- What rules / offences did the player break: RDM, LTAA How long do you think the player be punished for: Perm or a long temporary ban. Time of Occurrence: About 6:20PM CST, to 6:30PM CST. Additional members involved/witnessing: CaylusK2222 Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal. Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.
LTAA Report
Roblox Username: Dking5824 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): User is Dking5824 in main comms Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Bennytj Give us an Incident Description: Was BOLOed for killing LEO earlier, stole that RCSOs crown vic, we spotted and chased him til he crashed. He then shot a RPD and was shot by a different RPD, making him unconscious. He then left the game while unconscious. What rules / offences did the player break: LTAA How long do you think the player be punished for: 1-2 Day temp ban Time of Occurrence: Around 10:20 AM CST 2-18-2025 Additional members involved/witnessing: pxscal361 (Other RPD who shot him and sent me a clip, and also his Discord user is still Pxscal361.) (pxscal361's clip shows entire incident) Roblox - Perris, MI "bennytj" LTAA 1/1 - Clipped with Medal.tv Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.
Edits2x3 Report
https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jI7Blic19fJ5rBUoA?invite=cr-MSxjVzgsMjU3NzEyODEzLA Forgot the video, sorry.
Edits2x3 Report
Roblox Username: Dking5824 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): User is Dking5824 in main comms, or DawsonM10 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Edits2x3 Give us an Incident Description: CHP is rogue, has a spike vehicle, spiking LEO, spiked me and then came back when I respawned my car, I spiked him and then he tried killing me. What rules / offences did the player break: Team abuse, RDM, NITRP/FRP How long do you think the player be punished for: Perm Ban, for sure. Time of Occurrence: Around 8:08 PM CST 2/16/2025
TA,FRP report
Roblox Username: Dking5824 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Beses321 Give us an Incident Description: Was told to put on RCSO uniform, didn't, after being told 5-ish minutes before. Then cuffed me (I'm FBI and I showed him I'm FBI beforehand), then another RCSO uncuffed me, I cuffed him and he fled into someones, who was basically uninvolved, car to flee from me. What rules / offences did the player break: Tool Abusing, Fail Roleplay How long do you think the player be punished for: Temp ban 1-2 days Time of Occurrence: 6 PM CST 2/16/2025 Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.
Roblox Username: Dking5824 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): (Discord user is DawsonM10 or Dking5824 on main comms) Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: LiamMellan Give us an Incident Description: I accidentally hit their car during PT, got out to pay them, the passenger steals my car crashes it during PT. What rules / offences did the player break: V-PT How long do you think the player be punished for: Warn Time of Occurrence: 10:29 AM CST 2-9-2025 Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.
Glitching report
Roblox Username: Dking5824 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): (User is DawsonM10 or Dking5824 in main comms) Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Vamqq_xo Give us an Incident Description: Shot my friend and I THROUGH roof of DMV, while we were fighting off basically the entire LEO team. We heard shots from below us, and there was nobody in the sky or flanking us enough to hit that angle. We both died. What rules / offences did the player break: Glitching How long do you think the player be punished for: Maybe a day temp ban, or warning. Time of Occurrence: 10:40 PM CST 2-8-2025
RDM report
Roblox Username: Dking5824 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): (Discord user is Dking5824 can't find ID) Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: FartMoney_Official Give us an Incident Description: Me and my friend we're on DMV roof, called 911 for 2 people on roof with guns, we started dancing in plain view (Without having guns out) and he headshot us after getting a good shot. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM x2 How long do you think the player be punished for: He showed no intent to RP and RDMed us both (Maybe not me idk?) So maybe a week or 3 day temp ban Time of Occurrence: Additional members involved/witnessing: Goober (Display name he is my friend) Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.
RDM+NLR Report
Roblox Username: Dking5824 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): (Don't know but Discord User is Dking5824 for Main Server) Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Cornball20045 Give us an Incident Description: Attempted to RDM, drove off, died likely, then RDMed violating NLR as well. I also had another clip I was looking at; that is why the audio sounded doubled. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM (x2?), NLR How long do you think the player be punished for: Temp ban, few days? Time of Occurrence: 5:15 PM CST 2-2-2025 Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...Roblox - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch Roblox and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.
My Ban Appeal
Appealing Roblox Username: dking5824 Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): (Can’t find it, discord user is Dking5824) Ban Length: 1 day. Moderating Staff Member: butterfringers#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Perris, California Ban Reason: Why I Should Be Unbanned: https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jrdsRbWayf98nvaBQ?invite=cr-MSxKeG0sMjU3NzEyODEzLA Mostly just hate how this will be on my record, but the main point the Moderator brought up was that I didn’t open the door before tasing. I tried to, realized the Cadilac doesn’t have doors that open, so I just tased his arm. I was also rushing before he just shot me. (because PT was very close to being over) and the person I arrested was stalling for PT to end, to then shoot me.
Titanium VIP
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