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  1. d9xp2m2 posted a post in a topic in Player Reports
    Roblox Username: d9xp2m2 Discord ID : 1166807061317828720 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: Ding_Asu Discord Username of the player you're reporting: (optional) Give us an Incident Description: I PIT at 40-50 mph, His car hit the highway wall and caught fire, I used the Taser and handcuffed him, He left game. What rules / offences did the player break: LTAA How long do you think the player be punished for: 12hrs Time of Occurrence: December 22, 2024 03:08am EST Additional members involved/witnessing: Clip: https://youtu.be/E3TzoiJiXlw
  2. d9xp2m2 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: d9xp2m2 Discord ID : 1166807061317828720 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: labbetusen4535 Discord Username of the player you're reporting: Unsure Give us an Incident Description: I received another officer's at the BOA panic button and I heard gunshots in the neighborhood I was with a Sheriff and I saw an SRU shooting. What rules / offences did the player break: Team-Killing How long do you think the player be punished for: Permanently Time of Occurrence: Mon Dec 16 16:19:47 2024 EST Additional members involved/witnessing: miska2008mat Clip: https://youtu.be/5OgYJ8MVDm8