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Titanium VIP
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  1. burmanenus started following LenCA
  2. burmanenus posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I accept the one strike policy
  3. burmanenus posted a post in a topic in Completed
    My Ban Appeal Appealing Discord ID : 1245172416829980713 Ban Length: Permanent Moderating Staff Member: .pigeongod. Ban Reason: V-TOS Why I Should Be Unbanned: On 12/23/2024 I was banned from the mountain interactive discord for saying a hurtful word. I never meant to hurt anybody and it was never my intention to break the rules. It was a mistake that I take full responsibility for and I will now be more careful with my words and will never say it or anything else again. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: No Please ensure you have thoroughly read and understood the ban appeal rules before submitting your appeal. It is important to follow these guidelines closely to ensure your appeal is considered. Additionally, refrain from sending direct messages or harassing staff members about the status or outcome of your appeal. Patience and adherence to the rules are crucial in this process.