Appealing Roblox Username: HELPICANTFELLMYLEGS Appealing Discord ID: 751246835355746436 Ban Length: 01 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds or Permanent Moderating Staff Member: periished What game did the ban take place in?: LA Why should you be unbanned?: I was banned for RDM which I think is completely wrong. During this event at the gun store, the group I'm in ( LA TAKEOVERS ) was in a gunfight with the police. multiple of the members either died or fled. When I was exiting the gun store (you can see on the clip) I saw the cop pull up and jump out, in my eyes I thought he was getting a rifle out of his trunk. Seeing him as a threat I opened fire. Take into note this was while multiple cops were firing at me (you could hear the gunshots at the start). The cop knew the gun store was an active gunfight but still parked right in front of the store getting out into open cover. I don't believe this should be RDM because of it being a gunfight. I'll be using the clip of me "rdming" as proof this shouldn't have been RDM. The 60-second rule shouldn't matter since it was code 3. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.)