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  1. 24H Game banned False??? i would like to see the clip that got me banned.
  2. know I messed up in my first appeal and I want to be completely honest with you now I lied and I deeply regret it I understand why that made you question why I should be unbanned and I totally I cant take back what I did but I want you to know Ive thought a lot about it It was a bad decision to lie and it only made things worse Im really sorry for not being upfront with you from the start If I could go back I would not have lied Im asking for a second chance because I truly want to be part of the community and follow the rules and Im committed to showing that Ive learned from this mistake Im committed to showing that Ive learned from this. Thank you. @Haydz6
  3. Appealing Roblox Username: bennytj Appealing Discord ID: ??? Ban Length: 00 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds or Permanent (Permanent) Moderating Staff Member Anwser. ??? What game did the ban take place in?: Answer. Perris califorina Why should you be unbanned?: Answer. again after my appeal was denied for using alternate account alting understand why it was my problem and i know it is Ive learned from my mistake and will follow the rules from now on I also spent $25 on platinum because I enjoy Perris and it is the only thing that i spend time on the whole day which gives me joy and want to keep being a part of the community Id really appreciate another chance to show I can be a good member i understand this is my problem and i take full responsibility for my actions but to be honest i regret making a alt and spending 25$ all i wanted to do is play the game again since i was being left out as all my friends were playing it i dearly apologize and i wish to play the game again. Thank you.
  4. I Have no clue what happened i was driving around and got kicked and got banned for AA??? This my first ever time playing im new to all of this.