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  1. jowellcuz posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Oh sorry I didn't see the accept part, I accept the one strike policy.
  2. jowellcuz posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Okay well I just got inside of the game and it says I am banned.
  3. jowellcuz posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: jowellcuz Appealing Discord ID: 1325211015251628105 Ban Length: Permanent Ban Moderating Staff Member: I am unknown to that I don't really know I was getting off then I just got online and I was going to play Perris California but then I was banned. What game did the ban take place in?: Perris California Why should you be unbanned?: I think you guys should unban me because I am a good member and I don't even mess around I only have one warning and then I just got banned I should've not RDMed that is on me. I didn't know I RDMed anyone and I am very sorry for my actions and I will take responsibility for that action I did I will never do that again if I do I will never play it again due to i don't like to get in trouble a lot and I am very sorry for what I did. I would like to have another chance inside of Perris California because it is a very detailed and good game and I like to play it here and there and If I could I would have changed my actions from that incidence. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A