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  1. ilchp posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: ChinaDaCongMing Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 1336660444756316275 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: vincentisvincent123 Discord Username of the player you're reporting: (optional) idk/None Give us an Incident Description: I' m an RCSO officer and I was on patrol, and I saw a plainclothes FBI car driving recklessly 55 mph over the speed limit, and he didn't have his lights on, and I stopped him and I handcuffed him, and I removed the handcuffed because he couldn't get into the police car, and then he took out a stun gun and he cuffed me, I was very upset and angry. What rules / offences did the player break: FRP How long do you think the player be punished for: A week and a warrning Time of Occurrence: UTC+8 10:00 p.m. Additional members involved/witnessing: none/idk
  2. ilchp posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Roblox Username: ChinaDaCongMing Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 1336660444756316275 REPORTING CONTENTS: Staff Username: manupro27 Discord Username or ID: idk Description Of the Incident: Committed Offenses:I was a RCSO officer and on patrol when I saw a mass shooting and found a suspect holding a weapon and shooting, and i killed him, and then an admin used his power to illegally ban my account, without giving me any explanation, and even if I was ban, I could only be blocked for one day, but he just bannd my account premanently. Caused me to cause damage Time of Occurrence: a week ago Additional members involved/witnessing: idk (Attach a video/picture in this message)
  3. I

    ilchp posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I accept the one strike policy.
  4. I

    ilchp posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I accept the one strike policy.
  5. I

    ilchp posted a post in a topic in Completed
    @wil @Haydz6 I accept the one strike policy.
  6. I

    ilchp posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I agree one strike policy
  7. I

    ilchp posted a post in a topic in Completed
    @wil Why is my account still banned? You said my account would be unbanned immediately. Please unban my account. Game: Perris California. Thank you. Roblox Username: ChinaDaCongMing
  8. ilchp posted a post in a topic in Completed
    My Roblox ID: 4836820803 My Roblox Username: ChinaDaCongMing or @ChinaDaCongMing My Discord ID: 1336660444756316275 My Discord Username: ilchp Permanent ban I' m a RCSO police officer at the server. During my patrol, I found may dead people on the ground. When I got out of the vehicle to check, a player took out a Glock gun. I thought my life was being threatened, so I took out my rifle shot him. However, the administrator mistook it as me going on a killing spree, and I was locked in a room. At first, I thought he was using cheats, so I fired. But then I realized he was the administrator. I'm truly sorry about this. Please unban my account. I'm willing to abide by the server rules and be a good player. Thanks. What game: Perris California. Reason for ban: shot and killed a suspect ( he was armed with a gun and will fire) Reason for unban: I thought my life was being threatened.
  9. My Roblox ID: 4836820803 My Roblox Username: ChinaDaCongMing or @ChinaDaCongMing My Discord ID: 1336660444756316275 My Discord Username: ilchp Permanent ban I' m a RCSO police officer at the server. During my patrol, I found may dead people on the ground. When I got out of the vehicle to check, a player took out a Glock gun. I thought my life was being threatened, so I took out my rifle shot him. However, the administrator mistook it as me going on a killing spree, and I was locked in a room. At first, I thought he was using cheats, so I fired. But then I realized he was the administrator. I'm truly sorry about this. Please unban my account. I'm willing to abide by the server rules and be a good player. Thanks. Reason for ban: shot and killed a suspect ( he was armed with a gun and will fire) Reason for unban: I thought my life was being threatened
  10. I' m a RCSO police officer in the server. During my patrol, I found may dead people on the ground. When I got out of the vehicle to check, a player took out a Glock gun. I thought my life was being threatened, so I took out my rifle shot him. However, the administrator mistook it as me going on a killing spree, and I was locked in a room. At first, I thought he was using cheats, so I fired. But then I realized he was the administrator. I'm truly sorry about this. Please unban my account. I'm willing to abide by the server rules and be a good player. Thanks. My roblox Username: ChinaDaCongMing or @ChinaDaCongMing My roblox ID: 4836820803 My discord ID: 1336660444756316275 My discord Username: ilchp *Because my account is ban now, but staff promised that my account would be unban, I thought I was missing my roblox ID in Version 1, so I posted a new appeal (Version 2 appeal), this is Version 2.
  11. I

    ilchp posted a post in a topic in Completed
    and my orblox id is: 48368220803
  12. I

    ilchp posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I' m a RCSO police officer. During my patrol, I found may dead people on the ground. When I got out of the vehicle to check, a player took out a Glock gun. I thought my life was being threatened, so I took out my rifle shot him. However, the administrator mistook it as me going on a killing spree, and I was locked in a room. At first, I thought he was using cheats, so I fired. But then I realized he was the administrator. I'm truly sorry about this. Please unban my account. I'm willing to abide by the server rules and be a good player. Thanks. My roblox Username: ChinaDaCongMing or @ChinaDaCongMing My roblox ID: My discord ID: 1336660444756316275 My discord Username: ilchp