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  1. kameronleefo posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I accept this one strike policy
  2. Appealing Roblox Username: Lapdswatalphafoxes Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 794827135155044353 Ban Length: 00 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds or Permanent (Please refer to Ban List for this information.) permanent Moderating Staff Member: Answer. (Please refer to Ban List for this information.) .Nolon What game did the ban take place in?: Answer. AoT Why should you be unbanned?: So basically I was driving with my friends in a Tea SRT charger and I was racking my rifle and fat fingered my Mouse 1 and accidentally shot when I had full auto on causing me to I guess startle the officers so they shot back and incapacitated my friend on FBI who was afk and cuffed him I came back and uncuffed him and said he had nothing to do with this and they reported me after that
  3. kameronleefo posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: Lapdswatalphafoxes Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 794827135155044353 Ban Length: 00 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds or Permanent (Please refer to Ban List for this information.) permanent Moderating Staff Member: Answer. (Please refer to Ban List for this information.) .Nolon What game did the ban take place in?: Answer. AoT Why should you be unbanned?: So basically I was driving with my friends in a Tea SRT charger and I was racking my rifle and fat fingered my Mouse 1 and accidentally shot when I had full auto on causing me to I guess startle the officers so they shot back and incapacitated my friend on FBI who was afk and cuffed him I came back and uncuffed him and said he had nothing to do with this and they reported me after that
  4. kameronleefo posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Sorry if it was a duplicate I didn’t put my user and stuff for it and I couldn’t find my ban appeal
  5. kameronleefo posted a post in a topic in Completed
    On 2/2/25 I was Permanently Banned For AoT which I’ve only been banned 2 times in the past on perris making this my third I was told by a former staff member that you need 4 bans for a permanent ban but here’s my story, I was driving in a Teal Srt charger and I was trying to rack my rifle I had full auto on at the time and I fat fingered my mouse and started getting shot at by 5-6 cops and so I ran as I pulled away one of my friends got shot and incapacitated so I forgot about calling out on radio and came back with my flashers on to find my friend in cuffs I uncuffed them and said he didn’t do anything at the time he was afk before he got shot and then I got off a few hours later and got dm’d that I got perma banned which I find it pretty confusing but my user is lapdswatalphafoxes on roblox and Lapdswatalpha on discord if you need any questions Thank you.