MysticMeadow23 started following MAR5TW4, MikiKokon, santinokeyre5 , RDM and crazygoon2052, bald_ivan, FENT_razor scene Interference
Roblox Username: MysticMeadow23 Discord ID (Ex. 709881578058285127): 565904096209403906 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: but_itrefusedd:6083021646 Discord Username of the player you're reporting: N/A Give us an Incident Description: Bro pulled up next to me at a stop light hops out of his car and kills me for no reason. What rules / offences did the player break: RDM, and maybe NITRP How long do you think the player be punished for: temp ban, I will let you guys decide how long Time of Occurrence: 1:20pm EST on 02/16/2024 Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jHZeHxEU3cWjS4iEP?invite=cr-MSxLVnYsMjczOTA5MjE3LA
crazygoon2052, bald_ivan, FENT_razor scene Interference
Roblox Username: crazygoon2052-7038359488, bald_ivan-1226709193, FENT_razor-679735119 Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: crazygoon2052-7038359488, bald_ivan-1226709193, FENT_razor-679735119 Give us an Incident Description: I was involved in a scene where I ran from the cops and had to receive medical attention, and this group of three people rolled up and followed us to the hospital then randomly killed me. What rules / offences did the player break: Scene Interference/ possible RDM. crazygoon2052-7038359488 also robanged me earlier How long do you think the player be punished for: ban I don’t care how long just banned because they ruined a perfectly good RP scene Time of Occurrence: 12:50 pm EST Additional members involved/witnessing: Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...crazygoon2052 Ro-banging - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch crazygoon2052 Ro-banging and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...crazygoon2052, bald_ivan, FENT_razor Scene Interference -...Watch crazygoon2052, bald_ivan, FENT_razor Scene Interference and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.
MAR5TW4, MikiKokon, santinokeyre5
Roblox Username of the player you're reporting: MARxTW4, MikiKokon, santinokeyre5 Give us an Incident Description: Both MARxTW4, MikiKokon pulled Up on me while I was sitting at a red light and tried to initiate a false stop for no reason. santinokeyre5 randomly pulled me over and didnt give a reason on why I was pulled over as well as false code 5. What rules / offences did the player break: FRP, Powergaming by trying to force me into their roleplay when I did nothing wrong Evidence: Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...MARxTW4 & MikiKokon FRP, PowerGaming - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch MARxTW4 & MikiKokon FRP, PowerGaming and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal.Medal.tv | Record and Share Game...santinokeyre5 FRP - Clipped with Medal.tvWatch santinokeyre5 FRP and millions of other Roblox videos captured using Medal. How long do you think the player be punished for: A warning or a ban for a couple of days. Time of Occurrence: unsure what time, but i have videos Additional members involved/witnessing: HeavenlyFr0st
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