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  1. rilesjan posted a post in a topic in Discord Ban Appeals
    Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 290447402748346368 Ban Length: permanent Moderating Staff Member: rjfrg Ban Reason: "NSFW Content" Why I Should Be Unbanned: I previously stated, in confusion, that I did not post NSFW content and the reply I got both on my appeal and from the mod who banned me were less than helpful in allowing me to understand exactly why I was banned, however after thoroughly seeking a proper explanation I now understand what it was that caused this. I do not however believe it is proportionate to permanently ban me from the Discord server because I posted a link to a YouTube video (an entirely SFW video about Mountain Interactive, by the way) where the author's channel name had the word "penis" in it? It is equally as evident that this was a targeted ban - I had posted this video well over an hour prior to when I was banned, and it was miles up in chat. I made a joke towards the mod who banned me (jokingly asking him to stop pinging me) which he clearly did not take too kindly to, as he went out of his way and spent > 2 minutes (as this is about how long since I'd even sent a message in the chat) scrolling up through my chat logs to find a reason to ban me. I confronted him about this when asking for an explanation and he did not deny it. I appreciate I was on a bit of a wind up that day but this still seems very unfair - if my general conduct in chat was the issue, why would he not moderate / warn me for that, instead of finding some proxy reason to ban me for something entirely unrelated and undeniably minor? I raised to him after the fact that if he had simply informed me that this was considered NSFW I would have removed it and not posted it again - because in all fairness, not only have I never encountered a server that has considered such a small, randoml thing NSFW (let alone worthy of a perm ban) but I have seen and heard MUCH worse being said directly in the server before than the word "penis" in a clearly non-sexual context. I am a very active member of MI and a potential future investor/partner/something similar and being banned from the Discord for such a minor, easily correctable mistake (if you can even call it that) really does not sit right with me, and feels very unfair. Therefore I respectfully request that you review the circumstances of my ban and find as I do that it's suitable to be lifted. I also hope that by writing a proper, thought out appeal that you take my views more seriously into consideration, as I can understand why that might not've been the case before. Thank you.
  2. rilesjan posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 290447402748346368 Ban Length: permanent Moderating Staff Member: rjfrg Ban Reason: "NSFW Content" Why I Should Be Unbanned: i didnt post any nsfw content this was completely random???? i have viewed my ban notes and there is nothing in there besides some light trolling which happened hours prior which doesnt even go against the rules (ie replying to someone saying Warning 1: Swearing or offering to solve someones issue as a Community Member) half the screenshots in my notes arent even me Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.) anyone in chat at the time