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  1. zeni posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: ZenixSin Appealing Discord ID: 1134500215982927962 Ban Length: 1 Day. Moderating Staff Member: butterfringers#0 What game did the ban take place in?: Los Angles. Why should you be unbanned?: I would like to unbanned cause I believe that this isnt justified ban, I went up to the arresting officer asking him questions, after a few seconds went by, he procceded went to load the suspect into the vehicle, I was told in game VC by the person getting arrested as we are friends in game to kill the cop, I grabbed my firearm and proceeded to open fire, please let this be known the reporting person has harassed me in my DMs over gang related things as this makes me believe he is doing it for his own personal benfit. (he was also boasting in my DMs that i got banned) please note that if this was RDM im very sorry and looking to make amends for my actions. (TheAresnalLegend was the person being arrested, he also believes that this isnt justified for me to be banned.)
  2. zeni posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Appealing Roblox Username: ZenixSin Appealing Discord ID: 1134500215982927962 Ban Length: 2 Days. Moderating Staff Member: crownvickauto What game did the ban take place in?: Los Angles. Why should you be unbanned?: I should be unbanned, due to my having no idea at all, that this was FRP, NITRP, as this was my first time being able to access my tools, so I simply went to equip them once I equipped them the arresting officer (the mod) didn't say ANYTHING about that being bad, not a single word, so i had no idea on what i was doing was wrong, furthermore me and the mod that has banned me, had have problems before, he has always arrested me (2-3 back to back arrest for standing, which he stated I was charged with an arrange of other things, so i simply belive that this isnt fare, as I didnt even know this was wrong until the mod HOURS later banned me, I'm willing to fix my mistakes/wrongs with this future knowledge. (the arresting officer didnt even bother taking my firearms off me which should be a sign of incompetence.)