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  1. I feel like i should be unbanned since i was reported and immediately banned without a warning or anything and i was fasley accused because another officer said it was a good arrest and she went “afk” when she clearly wasnt
  2. Why should i be unbanned: i arrested a girl she wouldnt get off a sceen after being asked to and i told he she would be detained for not complying to law enforcement so after a while she went “afk” even though in her clip she did not and lied to get me banned and im fairly new to the rp game and then she said “bro this is frp” as if she just got back to her keyboard as soon as she was put into cuffs
  3. was telling a girl to get off a sceen she did not comply so i warned her more she apparently went afk but in her footage her mouse was still moving showing she was not afk then she accused me of ta and frp when it wasent because i arrested her for disobeying law inforcement and other wich i have forgotten please unban me. i have no proof but there is some in the discord wich is hers but as i said she was not afk and she lied to just get me banned and another sherrif also told her to leave the sceen.
  4. Elijahj started following Completed
  5. so i was playing in a server and a girl would not leave the scene after i gave her multiple warnings and i then put her in cuffs and gave her the reason on why she is being arrested wich was for disobeying law enforcment and another wich i forgot then 30 minutes later i was banned even though another officer said it was fine (im still fairley new) but it was a good arrest