My Ban Appeal Appealing Discord ID :628711868529377289 Ban Length: Perm Moderating Staff Member: Unsure. Ban Reason: I don’t know exactly since it was 2 years ago Why I Should Be Unbanned: I am trying to return to the community. I was mad at a staff member at one point and he abused his power, disconnecting, muting, and doing other things so I couldn’t say what I wanted about him. I told it in chat and he perm banned me. I apologize for speaking badly about your member/ staff member and won’t do it again. I know this is a brief paragraph considering the seriousness of the actual ban length. But, I was banned well over a year ago and I can remember exactly what happened if it was my fault or if the admin was just trying to be rude. I will accept responsibility for what happened and I just want to be let back into the server so I can get trained for LAPD and start roleplaying.