My Ban Appeal Appealing Discord ID: 149318659494379520 Ban Length: Looks permanent to me since I can’t join the discord. Moderating Staff Member: No idea. Ban Reason: I have no clue. Why I Should Be Unbanned: I first played Perris at some point over a year or so ago, maybe more maybe less but it was only a handful of times. Point is, I never really got into it until recently (other than having an old CHP gamepass I guess). I was considering buying some kind of Premium plan or vehicle addon so I started making an account here but discovered I could not join the discord. I finally realized I was banned after a friend on discord tried to send me the same public invite link I’ve been trying and it read I was banned. GyazoGyazo I have no recollection of any mod history with this community so I believe there may be some kind of mistake or false ban here. I hope this can be cleared up, thanks. Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: N/A.