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  1. Omgbrobros21 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Ban length: permanent ban Moderating team:unknown Ban reason:4x rdm I got banned with no warnings and just got banned the mods didn’t tp me to speak with me or nothing i was falsely banned with no reason I recently just spent money on mountain interactive and getting banned 2 days later after purchasing plat. but it would of been helpful if the mods could of talked to me about my ban and the reason which I did nothing wrong hopefully you guys can reduce my ban length and do something about it. additional members:none Involved/witnesses:n/a Username: omgbrobros21
  2. Omgbrobros21 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    Ban length: permanent ban Moderating team:unknown Ban reason:4x rdm I got banned with no warnings and just got banned the mods didn’t tp me to speak with me or nothing i was falsely banned with no reason I recently just spent money on mountain interactive and getting banned 2 days later after purchasing plat. but it would of been helpful if the mods could of talked to me about my ban and the reason which I did nothing wrong hopefully you guys can reduce my ban length and do something about it. additional members:none Involved/witnesses:n/a Username:omgbrobros21
  3. Omgbrobros21 posted a post in a topic in Completed
  4. Omgbrobros21 posted a post in a topic in Completed
    ban length: unknown Moderating staff team:unknown Ban reason:not over age 13+ Why I Should be unbanned:I was falsely banned by making a grammar mistake and took as not 13+ which I was 13+ I hope I can get unbanned because I really enjoyed the discord community which I hopefully can enjoy again. _________________________ Additional members Involved/witnessing: n/a
  5. So I got banned because of my age a few months ago and the mod said I have to be 13+ which I was at the time. because I made a grammar mistake on my keyboard which was my fault I’m hoping to get an unban on discord hopefully.
  6. I know how I got banned it said cause of my age I got banned on discord? I’m 15 so idk the age limit
  7. I might be banned on discord idk if I am or not because it won’t let me join the discord it says link invalid