Appealing Roblox Username: okjden Appealing Discord ID: 593977849174687761 Ban Length: perm Moderating Staff Member: ikottball What game did the ban take place in?: Perris Why should you be unbanned?: Recently I was permanently banned from Perris, California. In the clip/evidence provided, it shows the RCSO in a corvette sting ray with a civilian trespassing as the driver. I was cuffed while the Deputy had her hands on her duty belt. She also used the hold tool whilst she was in that animation. I pulled my gun out since the deputy was going to arrest me. I only shot after she pulled out her firearm. I personally dont believe its rdm since it was a scene. I also didnt instantly unleash the ammunition in my firearm once it was held out, I gave her a chance to pull out her firearm so it was a fair fight. The civilian got into the crossfire and after I died I left the game, so I don't get how its LTAA. I don't necessarily find it as RDM since I've asked mods and admins about situations like these. I'm sorry for my actions and hope to still be apart of the MI community. I dearly apologize for my actions and it wont happen again.