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  1. Appealing Roblox Username: MyNameIsZZZs ( DFTR-TRICKY ) Appealing Discord ID (e.g., 709881578058285127): 938875440611864676 Ban Length: 00 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds or Permanent: Perm Ban Moderating Staff Member: Answer. Im not sure who the staff member was, i was offline at the time of the ban. What game did the ban take place in?: Answer. I forgot when, Someplace in 2024. Why should you be unbanned?: Answer. I was banned for " Mass RDM " In LA FiveM but it was misunderstanding, this group of people who i think were CAG wannabes were taking a police officer hostage and i wasn't gonna let that slide, so i tried my best to take out everyone with guns holding the cop hostage when i infiltrated there group but ended up spraying the elevator killing everyone.
  2. MyNameIsZZZs posted a post in a topic in Completed
    This system is kinda whack
  3. MyNameIsZZZs posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I was hoping to talk with a moderator about somthing that happened in Perris California where i was in a discord call with 10 other family/gang members. And i went outside since there was a cop in our VC so i had to dispose of him, I shot the rat and 1 other officer, the other had a shield so i couldn’t kill him, but i don’t see how that’s RDM/and specifically MASS RDM. I don’t have a clip of what happened sadly.