Appealing Roblox Username:curtiscasm Appealing Discord ID:1119943364683513928 Ban Length: 00 Days / 00 Minutes / 00 Seconds or Permanent:PERMANENT Moderating Staff Member: 1011.101.101#0 What game did the ban take place in?:LA Additional Members Involved/Witnessing: Answer (Optional.) Hello, I wanted to apologize for my unacceptable behavior that I did I also wanted to say that I am sincerely sorry for what I told you MacJackMoe but the reason I said it is because you started calling me iraqi hooldum and so faced with this sentence I got angry and I insuted you with monkey and I find it stupid of me. I hope you understand me the staff and that I will never do this action again in the future here is the video of the staff member and i can tell that he still trying to cap after the staff said dont lie he said am acting gangster but am not even acting it’s just because he saw me with the CQB-19 that he started bring this into the staff member and being racist saying that am a iraqi hooldum i hope i would never do this again even Cok1234568 in the video said that macjack said the word W6c35DPVa7LRQERByZ7bPA.mp4