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  1. would like to appeal this ban i have an account i sold to my freind for 20 robux dollar card and i made that account and it had alot off xp in games and some robux so my freind got banned on his main so then he went on the account i sold him to and beacuse off that they think i was trying to avoid an enforcement action taken against another account ModerationAPP — Today at 15.41Username belate13 UserID 3032019258 Account Created 4/11/2021 12:1:34 UTC 1 Bans (Part 1) [60124] Banned by @vixiusz on 29/11/2024 23:30:57 UTC for 1 day with reason: MG 0 Kicks User has no kicks on record 0 Warnings User has no warnings on record 2 Notes (Part 1) [25891] Added by @vixiusz on 29/11/2024 23:31:26 UTC with content: For Ban ID: 60124 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1312183581321334888/1312198609533538365/Untitled_video_-_Made_with_Clipchamp_72.mp4?ex=674b9faf&is=674a4e2f&hm=a3e3e738073419bf7ee44bfab404c4bcec0788a2c67853558f73ca7829f7b654&[25892] Added by @vixiusz on 29/11/2024 23:32:8 UTC with content: For Ban ID: 60124 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1312183581321334888/1312198608904261762/image.png?ex=674b9faf&is=674a4e2f&hm=f37b5d154ed4b87d32479ba0c79f3efc27c02d2ce1ed0bc6ef20f74d9c011024&=&format=webp&quality=lossless i couldnt have avoided an enforcement action take against another account beacuse i didnt get banned last time i got banned was in 29/11/2024 in calfornia for rdm beacuse a guy was stuck in a car with cuffs and he said kill me and there was an active hostage situatian att dominos and then the car despawned and i shot him and ran away and got taserd and then got modded and got banned for rdm for 1 day aslo the account my freinds main got banned for rdm beacuse he bought a barret and went up the tower and shot everyone for no reason and for 1 day and that was on his main which is fadi22034 his alt account is he got banned for rdm on ILovekittens2_01 and beacuse off that they taught i was avoiding an enforcement action taken against an another account and when i got banned on belate13 its on on my record either