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  1. Game Perm Ban Appeal! Discord ID: 1206112948259524618 Roblox UserName: D1sk Theres a pic below. Ban Reason: I got Perm Banned I’m pretty sure cause it doesn’t say the ban length and the reason is because, I was in handcuffed in los Angeles APLHA and it said don’t leave game while handcuffed and right when I was handcuffed my PC shuts off and i’m like “wow” that’s great and yeah now I’m here wanting to play los Angeles really badly so if u guys can please maybe Unban me i’ll try to keep my PC running and it will. Thanks! Reason Why I Should Be Unbanned: I kinda dont know cause my Pc Just Shut Off Out Of NoWhere but i think i should be unbanned because i love the game and i love to RP and what other game is better than Los Angeles? NONE.