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  1. Yallah_ posted a post in a topic in Completed
    The ban was quite a while ago and since my previous account was blacklisted from the discord i don’t have anymore information other then the accounts discord ID. 456226577798135808
  2. Yallah_ posted a post in a topic in Completed
    I had to make a new discord account as i lost access to my passwords and so im here. I have the id for the account 456226577798135808. I just wanna be unbanned so i can actually do stuff.
  3. Yallah_ posted a post in a topic in Completed
    There is no ban message for the discord. Im not banned from LA as im currently playing it i just can’t get into the discord. My old account may be the reason why.
  4. Yallah_ posted a post in a topic in Completed
    At this rate i have no idea as to why i was banned. I hope this message is viewed by a moderator/admin and they are able to assist in resolving this issue. My Discord Username is yallah_55 and discord id is 1208228824580358246. Roblox username is Xander4441234. I believe I have served my punishment for the duration of the time i have been banned.